Featured Finds Thread

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by verybrad, May 25, 2014.

  1. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    Thank you
    Here is a watercolor I picked up for a dollar
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I would say parasol pin.......just to be more precise...
  3. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    I am going through some of my boxes in my eBay room and found this puzle. It looks like its from the 50's????? phpl2IAjlAM.jpg php64zjgoAM.jpg
    mymysharona43 and gregsglass like this.
  4. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Sharon,
    Love your watercolor.
    mymysharona43 likes this.
  5. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Shiloh,
    I think your puzzle is more 60s/70s more like Peter Max. I have a couple laying around here but they are monochromic I like the colored staining on yours a lot more.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  6. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Thanks for dating mine Greg. :cat:
    I found this on Google and really love it :)

    gregsglass likes this.
  7. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Nice finds on this thread.

    Sharona, going back a few, anything written on the base of the tall blue pottery vase that was in your photo?
    mymysharona43 likes this.
  8. tie.dye.cat

    tie.dye.cat Well-Known Member

    I went to a sale at our local Senior center this past weekend. I saw a wicker basket of beads and knew right away what it was, so I grabbed them up without even inspecting them. I was so delighted to see the pattern on them when I got home.

    I don't keep anything I pick; I just can't afford to. But I am going to have a hard time parting with these.

  9. tie.dye.cat

    tie.dye.cat Well-Known Member

    Also last weekend I went to a bazaar at a local church. While waiting in line, the woman in front of me told me not to count on getting any jewelry as the first 3 ladies in line were "dealers" and every year they went in and took everything off the jewelry table without even looking at it.

    I'm a pretty quiet person, but there was no way I got up early on a freezing cold morning and stood in line for nothing, so I got right into the fray! LOL.

    I picked up this necklace and one of the dealer ladies tried to grab it from my hands. 15 years ago, I would have let her have it, but I guess getting older makes you bolder. I heard her calling me names to her friends later...that's okay, I got the necklace and she didn't! :p

    It's D&E. I have it listed right now.

    This second item the "dealer ladies" bypassed thinking it was junk. It was 14k. Made my day. :)

  10. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    "I picked up this necklace and one of the dealer ladies tried to grab it from my hands." :eek::eek::eek:

    Now that is some nerve. :shifty: I am so glad you stood your ground. :D

    Gorgeous D&E
    komokwa and tie.dye.cat like this.
  11. tie.dye.cat

    tie.dye.cat Well-Known Member

    LOL Shiloh, she called me "grabby" too. Pot meet kettle.

    Apparently in past years, the women would bring a box and just walk down the table and push ALL of the jewelry into the box and take it all.

    Fortunately this year the church told them they could only take a little basket in; otherwise, I wouldn't have stood a chance against them.

    As much nice jewelry as they had (for this area - rural stagnant area), I don't know if I'll ever go back. I do not like that kind of stress when I can just bid on lots on ebay and have it delivered to my door! :)
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  12. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    Tie.dye.cat, the world if full of them (unfortunately). Perhaps because I am small in stature and quite often pushed around or squished between two larger people, I mentally refer to people like that as "galoots" whether they be male or female.

    If some people have shown their unmannerly ways at a table full of items, I make it a point to continue to look through the "pile(s)" of whatever (jewelery, books, scarves, photos, etc.) and say quietly but just loud enough for the "galoot(s)" to hear "Oh, my goodness, I can't believe I found this." "Whoa, doggies, someone didn't realize what they were donating." "Wow, this is beautiful and old."

    Most of the "galoots" will lose track of what they were looking at and start looking over your shoulder and even reaching over your shoulders. About that time you can shove the item somewhere under/in the middle of the array of items and slowly walk away with a really big grin (read smirk) on your face. Galoots are sooooooo predictable at sales. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2014
  13. 'Nuff_Said

    'Nuff_Said Well-Known Member

    Jersey baby! ;)

    @ Sharona, I understand and thank you for IDing that necklace/pendant (camphor). Nice finds as well. Pretty vase and lovely jewelry as always.

    @ Desperate_fun, thanks for helping ID what glass pieces go with this box. After viewing a few comparables online :jawdrop:, I hope she calls us soon.

    @ Shi, some very nice puzzles. Cool!

    This is a pretty nice piece. Love how the design is moulded in relief with the leaves glazed in celadon and russet...

    DOUBLE GOURD 002-001.JPG

    DOUBLE GOURD 003-001.JPG
  14. tie.dye.cat

    tie.dye.cat Well-Known Member

    LOL, I so wish I had thought to do that!

    I think I got their goat anyway since I didn't shirk away, but that would have been the icing on the cake!
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  15. trip98

    trip98 Well-Known Member

    Nice Scores!

    I am a small 5 2" and have the same problem with over reacher. I actually have to turn around and firmly say "back off". Startles the big "galoots". Once they know you, they will leave you alone. When allowed I wear a big leather packpack made by Coach in the early 1990s . Keeps them at a distance.
  16. 'Nuff_Said

    'Nuff_Said Well-Known Member

    I am a tall 4' 10" and often get knocked around by folks at sales/fleas. Their replies are almost always: "Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought you were one of my kids".......:rage::rage::punch::punch::mad::mad: :D
  17. trip98

    trip98 Well-Known Member

    wow nuff, you are the same size as my dear Italian grandmothers -long pasts, both 4 11' and under. tinie tiny.
  18. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    You have my daughter by a inch, she's shorty
    When theres a mob of 6 foot men at a car or truck at swap I grab for crumbs thru their legs lol

    Over 30 or more years I ran into 2 women I thought I might have to woop boody
    Went to a sale and nothing was set up, I was looking all over for jewelry as that was my only desire at the time. A lady comes up and ask if there was any jewelry so the lady grabbed a big box full of little boxes of jewelry. The lady stood on one side of the table and me on the other. The lady set it on the end of a table. We both went in the box for little boxes and 2 times she pulled the little boxes I was looking in away from me...I was pretty shocked and said nothing and grabbed another little box,it was in my hand and she came at the box in my hand.....I don't know who came out but guessing it was my inner devil. I said in the meanest voice, you touch this box and I will break your arm....wow did I say that?

    Yep the garage sale fell silent, the lady starting huffing and went inside dogging me because all they heard was me threatening to break her arm....they did not see her taking things from my hands and I was so shocked she got by with it twice. I never want to shop like that but in my whole life never had physically anyone take something from my very hands, anywhere...the excorsist came out, went bonkers....while I have seen some rudies she was queen
  19. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    You people are amatures. I had a yard sale starting at 8AM. At 6:30AM the police with sirens going pulled up in my driveway. Seems two guys were brawling and the rest of the crowd was worried so someone called the police. I was still knocking down my coffee. The plice asked to see my license, I showed them. They asked why so many people were there. I was silent. At 10AM I heard screaming. I ran over and two women were duking it out. I honestly looked around for Candid Camera. Then I saw blood coming out of one womens nose. At that moment the police arrived and separated the two women. They came over to me and said "I don't want to know what you are selling here but you are banned from having anymore sales>"
  20. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    Hello, no nothing, it is ribbed on the base you cant see very well in the pictures
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