Featured Finds Thread

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by verybrad, May 25, 2014.

  1. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    did you try denture tablets? it really is a beautiful piece:)
  2. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    No denture tabs, but a similar hardwater descaling solution - I'll try denture tabs before i give up :) Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to show you guys properly what it really looks like - it's pretty much exactly the same as the one in the liveauctioneers link I posted
  3. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    You have to let the solution sit for several days, hopefully it will do the trick:)
  4. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    Will give it a shot - for a few days :) I only tried for a few hours tonight - my impatience is showing :D
    komokwa, kyratango and cxgirl like this.
  5. NickRobin

    NickRobin Why buy new when you can fix old.

    I could not have said it better than cxgirl.
    Sometimes with different solutions it could even takes a few weeks to get it to a perfect crystal clarity. I would say it is a good thing it’s not something your going to be drinking out of any time soon.
    For a perfume bottle I have, it took a few weeks just to purge it out completely.
    Thats being said to point out different contaminations require different amounts of time to clear from glass.
    Assuming it is just calcium build up it should not take too long.
    Easier to make decisions when the problem is tactile and able to be seen in person.
    Hope it turns out good and don’t worry about it taking a bit longer than expected. Perfection takes time.
  6. Miscstuff

    Miscstuff Sometimesgetsitright

    I have often wondered what would happen if I shoved a cloth on the end of a stick inside one of these frosty glass containers, threw in some cerium oxide powder and connected the other end of the stick to a speed controlled drill. Turn it on and it should polish the inside of the glass. Must try it one day:bag::bag::bag:
    Ghopper1924, i need help and cxgirl like this.
  7. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    When you have "sick glass" and just want it for show here is my trick. I have a lot of decanters that are sick. I pour a heavy mineral oil from the drug store and swirl it all around.
    Then turn the decanter upside and let it drain for several hours. Then turn it upside right and put the stopper back on. The oil coats the 'sickness" and it does not show. I have had decanters with the treatment last for 10 to 15 years before they need down again.
  8. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    This guy does similar:

  9. NickRobin

    NickRobin Why buy new when you can fix old.

    But is that not just a bandage for the real problem? Like slapping tape on a car frame where a wield would fix it. It looks good, but you can’t use it and later down the road you will have to fix it again. Why not take care of the problem instead of masking it with the thought of doing it later?
  10. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Because a lot things are not worth as much as it costs to fix them. If a decanter is only worth 15 dollars why spend 125 dollars to make it worth 20 dollars? As you say why get rid of a 1000 dollar car when you can spend 10,000 to make it last? If we all could afford it why throw anything away??
  11. NickRobin

    NickRobin Why buy new when you can fix old.

    Getting a 20$ bottle of cleaner and using it to clean all of your bottles rather than continuously spending the same money on a temporary solution seems like a no brainer to me. Your not spending 125 on cleaning a decanter and if you are, whoever is selling you your cleaning supplies is taking you for a ride if it’s 125 per small bottle.
    Ghopper1924, Christmasjoy and komokwa like this.
  12. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Glass sickness will NEVER be cleaned with a 20 dollar bottle of cleaner. True glass sickness can only be carried out using internal polishing which needs to be done by skilled operators using expensive polishes. Most so called sickness is just mineral deposits which can done using standard cleaning. Believe me I have cleaned a lot of bottles in my day but true "glass sickness" takes time and money.
    Ghopper1924, sch3gsd, Jivvy and 4 others like this.
  13. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I guess so does welding a quarter panel ......... properly !!!:happy:
    Ghopper1924 likes this.
  14. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Yup, greg is spot on. There's a major difference between crud and deposit cleaning and true glass sickness.

    Aaron, if you've tried descaler, don't bother with denture tablets. Acid or mechanical polishing with or sans cerium oxide.
  15. NickRobin

    NickRobin Why buy new when you can fix old.

    If you insist I mean it’s whatever you think is right at this point. I was just telling you another way. By all means if you have your own way then use it. It’s all about the the end results. It does not matter how we get there. If I find a method that does not require too much money then I’m going to use it. Really at the end of the day it is about preserving and restoring. If you can’t use it ( the antique in question) as it was originally was intended, then are you really saving it?
    Anyway, I can tell when I have lost. Was only trying to help, but instead being told my methods don’t and will “never” work and ridiculed for my comparisons.
    I am sincerely sorry. You guys have fun. I wish you guys the best of luck on your future finds. Have a good day.
  16. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    Another reason I don't buy glassware (plus I drop it all the time.) Unless it is fiddy cents.
    Ghopper1924 and komokwa like this.
  17. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I've given up too, unless I'm keeping it or doing something locally. And no sick glass.
    Ghopper1924 and Marko like this.
  18. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    Yes, if I keep it for my house like the yard sale glass I got this past weekend. My house has a pink guest room, and my bathroom is done in shades of pink and lavendar. The living room also has pink accent hues.

    I forgot to show you my fiddy cent yard sale fan I also got this past weekend at that sale. I am sure it is newer, but my sister-in-law collects all things Japanese, so I am sending it to her.
    Japanese Fan 1 (640x389).jpg

    It is some kind of fabric, don't know if it is rough silk. Double-sided.

    Japanese Fan 2 (640x379).jpg

    In other news, I didn't know there was a venue for the Antiques Roadshow in Delaware this year.... I didn't enter the ticket contest. But did you guys know they have another newer contest for tickets, the Knock Our Socks Off contest? You can win tickets by submitting up to three pictures of an object with a 200 word or less story. I discovered this the DAY of the deadline for Delaware, so I sent them pictures of my uncle's Kamikaze Survivor medal along with a picture of a military collage I made for his service.

    Kamikaze 1 (640x514).jpg

    I also submitted a picture of my slide rule pocket watch. And a ring I have, not expecting anything out of that.... but who knows.
    Kamikaze 2 (580x640).jpg

    slide rule front (528x640).jpg
    slide rule back (547x640).jpg
  19. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Good Luck !!!!!!
    We'll see ya in the movies !!!
    Jivvy and kyratango like this.
  20. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Also seems pretty UN-hygienic!!! Or someone has to be pretty FAST at carving new toothpicks!!!:jawdrop::jawdrop::jawdrop::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::D
    komokwa likes this.
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