Featured Finds Thread

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by verybrad, May 25, 2014.

  1. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Actually, it is the Nippon Yolo Boeki @moreotherstuff That is a clover in the middle of the wreath.
    Bronwen, KSW and moreotherstuff like this.
  2. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    I recognize the mark as Japanese. Is it over-glaze? Over-glaze marks can be washed off - accidentally or otherwise. Without the mark, it's close enough to other makers to leave room for doubt. Without the mark I can see how it could easily be misidentified.

    So are the similarities just coincidental? There's cause to wonder.

    Carlton Ware marked some of their pieces "Registered Australian Design"
    The 'Registered Australian Design' conundrum - Dealers and collectors often puzzle about this particular [Carlton Ware] backstamp. It was in use from c1935 to c1961. The facts.... By the mid 1930's, the Japanese had become very proficient in copying good quality wares and Carlton Ware was an obvious target for them. Their prices for the imitations were considerably lower than the genuine originals. Cuthbert Wiltshaw discovered a clause in the 'South East Asia Treaty Organisation' which concerned Australia and Japan, to the effect that designs registered in Australia could not be copied by the Japanese. He took advantage of this situation and registered a large number of designs with the Australians. Hence the unusual backstamps. – added info March 30/08
    KSW and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  3. KikoBlueEyes

    KikoBlueEyes Well-Known Member

    Very interesting. I don't know enough to differentiate over glaze. The mark is under the glaze - is that what you mean?
    The Zell plates appear to have a finer basket weave and my plate is folded over rather than flat. Perhaps that's how they got away with it.
    KSW and moreotherstuff like this.
  4. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Good old designer knockoffs!
    KSW and KikoBlueEyes like this.
  5. Born2it

    Born2it Well-Known Member

    877F9400-82CE-47BC-9BBF-DB0F1C0CBECA.jpeg FFF785C1-71D2-409E-A500-229579AE51F9.jpeg 2F185F80-0CFC-475B-A56A-B89FB5D285EF.jpeg 1B579AAA-7F9A-4B02-B2D6-47CAD4CFAC3F.jpeg 646430EC-C574-41BF-9174-190D13B18302.jpeg 2A715352-18A0-4090-B176-F52A6768014E.jpeg Found this in an area where dirt that had been dug up was dumped during construction at least 30 years ago. I can’t believe it’s old enough to have been made by someone indigenous to this area, and I am also unsure if it even came from this area. For all I know, it could be a souvenir made in China, but it is a cool find :)

    Just under an inch long, ~3/4 inch wide.
    anundverkaufen, Bronwen, KSW and 6 others like this.
  6. Francisco G Kempton

    Francisco G Kempton Well-Known Member

    I believe that could be bronze age flint. They used it as a knife and for many other purposes. Whereever you found it, is likley to be site for many other artifacts, if you can return to the exact location maybe gently trowel the soil an se if you can find pottery or more flint. If so then you might have found a bronze age settlement.
    KSW, Born2it, Marko and 2 others like this.
  7. Born2it

    Born2it Well-Known Member

    Oooo, that would be cool! Unfortunately the area where I found it is far from undisturbed. I have found lots of fun broken bits, but hopelessly mixed together, and mostly from the 20th century.

    When the garbage/dumpster area for the condo complex was dug, the dirt was piled next to it. Every time it rains, I find something, but usually much more modern.
  8. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    If I went digging around here, I'd find nails (maybe), screws (maybe) and rocks. This area was a farm before it was houses, and since it's New England we grow lots of rocks.
    KSW and Born2it like this.
  9. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    I find the odd Roman tile sherd.
    KSW and Born2it like this.
  10. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    I'd be happy with Roman bits, or arrowheads for that matter. I might find some barbed wire, not that I'd want to.
    KSW likes this.
  11. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    Digging in my yard all I find is sand :p
  12. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    I miss you guys. I had my cataract surgery and the surgery to close my macular hole on the 26th. Just checked in with the surgeon, hole is closed!!! The vitrectomy took twice as long due to the cataract stitches reopening, the retina needing laser reinforcement, and the membrane that needed removal was stuck. But on the mend now, back to work on the 14th. I have had time to peruse various sites and pick up some bargains for my doll collection (working on replacing my childhood dolls and getting ones I always wanted.) You can see the short-haired American Girl, the first bendable leg Barbie, on the left. Doll is pretty close to mint, appears she was never played with. Next to her is a ghostly white #3 brunette Barbie with blue eye shadow, the rarest combination. When I was little, to keep our dolls straight, I got the brunette versions of most Barbies while my sister got the blonde versions.
    20220203_102332.jpg 20220203_102344.jpg
    I know there is a doll thread somewhere, can someone tag it for me? Thanks.
  13. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    Hi Marko I hope you are a ok in short order.
    Well that Barbie photo sure brings back memories. Mine had the same bathing suit but a different hairstyle. Maybe a bubble cut but I am not sure. I was not big on dolls really, more my mother's thing.

    I got the brown hair Barbie doll because if I recall right there was no auburn hair one when I went toy shopping. My older brother was truly disappointed because he wanted me to get the blonde version. Even back then he was a pain in the tush.

    Enjoy your collection.
    Bronwen, komokwa, KSW and 1 other person like this.
  14. Marko

    Marko Well-Known Member

    Thank you! This was one time both my sister and I got brunette dolls, too, the American Girl Barbie. Ours had bright red lips, which appears to be rare. Most seen now are white or butterscotch lips. There are high color dolls out there with what they call geranium lip color. Above titian American girl from my collection, geranium lip color.
  15. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    All I can come up with is the ‘Teachers Negotiating Committee’ or TNC Healthcare! Nice badge :)
    Bronwen, pearlsnblume and Ownedbybear like this.
  16. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

  17. bercrystal

    bercrystal Well-Known Member

    komokwa likes this.
  18. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    This is mine. Inherited from my aunt. Love Triang dolls houses. Such a shame they aren’t valued more.
  19. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    We get lots of 19th/early 20th C pottery sherds from the allotment. Presumably they went out with the night soil :yuck: There is an old bottle dump nearby that I occasionally go and have a little look at to see what I can find. I find it therapeutic but the kids and dog get bored quickly.
    Bronwen, johnnycb09 and pearlsnblume like this.
  20. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    @Marko ....I'm happy to hear that you're doing well......and feeling better !!!

    or, is it doing better & feeling well.........:confused:

    in any case........ that's good news !!:kiss::):)
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