Featured F.M. Doblmeier published postcards - K Roller artist

Discussion in 'Ephemera and Photographs' started by Jason2424, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. Jason2424

    Jason2424 Active Member

    Not to get too far off topic, but since you found that image of Margaret Roller, here is a painting he did of her when they first were together.
    Webp.net-compress-image (2).jpg
    LIbraryLady, Aquitaine, SBSVC and 4 others like this.
  2. morgen94

    morgen94 Well-Known Member

    I am trying to follow Doblmeier from birth (July 7, 1887 in Germany) to death (1983), to fill in the blanks of where he was when and what he was doing.

    In 1913 26 year old Franz Doblmeier sailed to New York, from Germany, I believe. His occupation was recorded as "Kaufmann" (businessman or merchant)

    I then found him, unmarried, in San Francisco in 1917, working as a clerk at Sanborn, Vail, & Co. (1860-1924).That company was a "wholesaler and retailer of stationary (sic), picture frames, art supplies, and art work. After they incorporated in 1902 they began publishing postcards..." (http://www.metropostcard.com/publisherss1.html). In 1921 Doblmeier was listed as a department manager at Sanborn Vail, still in San Francisco.

    In 1923 Doblmeier and his wife Gertrude sailed from Hamburg, Germany to New York and his occupation was recorded as "Merc" (merchant, I assume). His nearest relative in this country was recorded as his aunt, Magda Scheller of San Francisco, and his last permanent address was recorded as in San Francisco.

    In 1925 the New York State Census listed Frank and Gertrude Doblmeier as residents of Brooklyn and Frank's occupation was "Sales Agent (Stat)" (for stationery, I assume).

    EDITED TO ADD: Gertrude Doblmeier's 1931 naturalization papers state: "My husband was naturalized Nov. 2, 1925, Brooklyn, NY, and certificate of naturalization number 2308837 was issued to him."

    In the 1927 New York City directory Frank M. Doblmeier was listed under Candle Manufacturers. He was listed in the same occupation in the 1926 and 1929 NY City directories. EDITED TO ADD: At that time he was at 225 5th Avenue, right near the postcard address.

    In the 1930 Brooklyn census, Frank Doblmeier's occupation was salesman for a Stationery House.

    In the 1933 NY City phone book a Frank M. Doblmeier, married to a woman named Rose, was working as an "eng" (engineer). I have no idea if that is our same Frank M. Doblmeier, but how many Frank M. Doblmeiers can there be in NY at that time? Note, however, that the 1940 census lists Frank still with Gertrude.

    As was mentioned earlier, in the 1940 census Frank Doblmeier's occupation was greeting cards salesman.

    The 1942 WWII draft registration card for Frank Doblmeier lists his occupation as "Sale Agency" for a business at 220 5th Avenue in NY. (NOTE: That is the same address as on your postcards)

    A 1960 immigration card recorded a widowed Frank M. Doblmeier, born in Germany on July 7, 1887, traveled alone to Brazil.

    The Social Security death index records the 1983 death of Frank Doblmeier, born on July 7, 1887.

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2018
  3. Jason2424

    Jason2424 Active Member

    Ok wow Morgen! I'm astonished that you found all this information! Much obliged!
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    One can imagine why a young man would leave Germany in 1913.

    Sparky and Aquitaine like this.
  5. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

  6. morgen94

    morgen94 Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much for the kind words, but as I have said many times, I am only as good as the databases to which I have access. I am still a bit puzzled as to why there is a dearth of information about Doblmeier’s publishing business...and what in the world was the candle manufacturing about?
  7. Huntingtreasure

    Huntingtreasure Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
    Figtree3 likes this.
  8. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Certainly is!

    Aquitaine and Huntingtreasure like this.
  9. Jason2424

    Jason2424 Active Member

    Great find Hunting! We are collecting anything and everything about his life. Thanks!
    In fact, we have a bio from an independent party that states he did a cover art for McCall's Magazine that we would love to find as well. Around the 1960's they started doing almost exclusively photographs instead of art, so it had to be somewhere between 1910-1960. We've searched this site: http://www.magazineart.org/main.php/v/womens/mccalls/
    without much success. Any of you amazing researchers have an idea of finding the one he did?
    Huntingtreasure and Figtree3 like this.
  10. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Have you done something as simple as a Google Images search for McCall's magazine? And I think you can narrow your dates down a bit as publication appears to have begun using photography for cover art by the early 1940s.

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
    Aquitaine and Huntingtreasure like this.
  11. Jason2424

    Jason2424 Active Member

    Oh well that does help. And yes we have. Both my wife and I have scoured the google images for hours...until our eyes began to cross. We had hopes someone would have made a database of them all, and found that previously mentioned site, but so many are either unsigned or unaccounted for, we came up empty handed.
  12. Huntingtreasure

    Huntingtreasure Well-Known Member

    Have you tried to do a thorough search of copyrights?
    I don’t personally know of any reference for doing that, but that’s what I would think to try if you haven’t already.
  13. Jason2424

    Jason2424 Active Member

    I'll admit, I'm at a loss when it comes to copyrights. I'm willing to do the legwork, just dont know where to begin!
    Huntingtreasure likes this.
  14. Huntingtreasure

    Huntingtreasure Well-Known Member

    Maybe someone else @Figtree3 or @Debora maybe, knows how to best search copyrights. I happened to stumble onto those pages in google but they are from books on copyright indexes.
    yourturntoloveit likes this.
  15. Huntingtreasure

    Huntingtreasure Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  16. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    That's the main way I know how to do the public copyright searching. Using Google books for the Catalog of Copyright Entries, which is what you linked to above. I did another search and found this one, but that is all I found that you haven't already linked.

    https://books.google.com/books?id=HAZhAAAAIAAJ&pg=RA1-PA223&dq="roller,+samuel+kay"+intitle:catalog+intitle:eek:f+intitle:copyright+intitle:entries&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwinmYz57YraAhUDmoMKHQYYBZoQ6AEIJzAA#v=onepage&q="roller, samuel kay" intitle:catalog intitle:eek:f intitle:copyright intitle:entries&f=false
    Huntingtreasure and Bronwen like this.
  17. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

  18. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Hum... Entrance to Central Park, Columbus Circle. That's what it says.

    Jason2424 and Huntingtreasure like this.
  19. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Looks like three different ones, with dashes between the titles.
    Huntingtreasure likes this.
  20. Huntingtreasure

    Huntingtreasure Well-Known Member


    Samuel Roller was a painter, teacher, etcher, and newspaper and magazine illustrator who lived in Lynchburg, Virginia; and Cooperstown, New York. His cover work appeared in the Richmond Times Dispatch and McCall's magaizne. He was also an instructor in Cooperstown, New York in 1951, and an etcher for the Pierce Lithography Corporation.

    Roller stuided at the Corcoran Gallery of Art of Art of Art; New York School Art; Chicago Academy Art; University Virginia, and Otis Art School. Among his teachers were Robert Henri and George Ennis.

    He was a member of the American Artists Professional League; Cooperstown Art Association; Lynchburg Art Club; and Lynchburg Art Center.
    Maybe if any of the Associations are still in business, you could find something out from them.
    yourturntoloveit and Jason2424 like this.
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