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Embroidered burlap pillow covers - how old and what kind of stitch?
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<p>[QUOTE="buyjunksellantiques, post: 64141, member: 658"]Oh, and one more bit of useless trivia about oriental rug protectors. They were originally made as a small scale pattern or a counting chart for tying and incorporating different patterns for rugs. Then somebody came up with the idea to use them to bind together rolled up rugs in progress of completion. Then like I said, somebody figured out they needed to make one at the same time as the rug to use the wool yarn for repairs. Those that made these rugs actually used them on the sandy soil and desert and they needed to roll them up to transport them easier.</p><p>There are some oriental rug dealers who will not pay a high premium for a knotted rug UNLESS the protector is sold along with the rug. So this particular protector on this thread should not be treated as "common". They are not common. They are unique.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="buyjunksellantiques, post: 64141, member: 658"]Oh, and one more bit of useless trivia about oriental rug protectors. They were originally made as a small scale pattern or a counting chart for tying and incorporating different patterns for rugs. Then somebody came up with the idea to use them to bind together rolled up rugs in progress of completion. Then like I said, somebody figured out they needed to make one at the same time as the rug to use the wool yarn for repairs. Those that made these rugs actually used them on the sandy soil and desert and they needed to roll them up to transport them easier. There are some oriental rug dealers who will not pay a high premium for a knotted rug UNLESS the protector is sold along with the rug. So this particular protector on this thread should not be treated as "common". They are not common. They are unique.[/QUOTE]
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Embroidered burlap pillow covers - how old and what kind of stitch?
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