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Embroidered burlap pillow covers - how old and what kind of stitch?
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<p>[QUOTE="buyjunksellantiques, post: 64121, member: 658"]They look to me like the stitch called ... Lover's Knot. And I believe the purpose for this item is to bind a rolled up rug. I've had three of these in varying sizes. They are just as important and the hand knotted rugs they were created to protect. The fact that it's made of burlap and stitched with what I see as being WOOL (burn a tiny piece snipped off of the dark threads, if it smells like burnt hair, then it's wool); tells me that's exactly what this piece is.</p><p>Often times this rug protector was decorated with the same wools as the rug rolled up in it, and they would wind up long pieces of the colored wool threads and bundle them like they did the "buttons" on the ends of this piece. The reason? In case repairs needed to be made on the rug and they'd have the exact matching "yarn" from the same dye lot to fill in any holes that needed repairing.</p><p>Hope I helped a little bit?</p><p>JoAnn ... who keeps buying junk and selling antiques.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="buyjunksellantiques, post: 64121, member: 658"]They look to me like the stitch called ... Lover's Knot. And I believe the purpose for this item is to bind a rolled up rug. I've had three of these in varying sizes. They are just as important and the hand knotted rugs they were created to protect. The fact that it's made of burlap and stitched with what I see as being WOOL (burn a tiny piece snipped off of the dark threads, if it smells like burnt hair, then it's wool); tells me that's exactly what this piece is. Often times this rug protector was decorated with the same wools as the rug rolled up in it, and they would wind up long pieces of the colored wool threads and bundle them like they did the "buttons" on the ends of this piece. The reason? In case repairs needed to be made on the rug and they'd have the exact matching "yarn" from the same dye lot to fill in any holes that needed repairing. Hope I helped a little bit? JoAnn ... who keeps buying junk and selling antiques.[/QUOTE]
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Embroidered burlap pillow covers - how old and what kind of stitch?
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