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Do you ever get an itch to offer buy sterling silver for over a bid by a sponsor?
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<p>[QUOTE="Jeff Drum, post: 382833, member: 6444"]Coin-silver in the US was made before the days of standard testing, so it could have a range of silver percentage in it. There were really no guarantees. A lot of it was literally made from melting down actual coins or old damaged or out of fashion silverware. Most Spanish silver coins (the predominant silver coin used in Colonial US) was about 90% silver, but there were also European coins at a lower percentage and English at a higher percentage. I have actually tested some of the antique US coin-silver I've collected to figure out the specific gravity, and have found a range indicating somewhat below 80% to above 90%.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Jeff Drum, post: 382833, member: 6444"]Coin-silver in the US was made before the days of standard testing, so it could have a range of silver percentage in it. There were really no guarantees. A lot of it was literally made from melting down actual coins or old damaged or out of fashion silverware. Most Spanish silver coins (the predominant silver coin used in Colonial US) was about 90% silver, but there were also European coins at a lower percentage and English at a higher percentage. I have actually tested some of the antique US coin-silver I've collected to figure out the specific gravity, and have found a range indicating somewhat below 80% to above 90%.[/QUOTE]
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Do you ever get an itch to offer buy sterling silver for over a bid by a sponsor?
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