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Cleaning a china cabinet
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<p>[QUOTE="rknarr2, post: 3807456, member: 9614"]I have a china cabinet that is dusty and has not been cleaned in about 20 years.</p><p>I wanted to know what to use to clean it with. I have murphy's oil soap would that</p><p>be good to put on it. I hate to say what I am about to say because the skepticism </p><p>will come out but this may or may not be a Stickley Brothers china cabinet. We </p><p>have been researching off and on trying to determine if it is or not. My grandma told</p><p>my mom to buy this because my grandma thought it was Gustav Stickley from a local furniture deal. She paid $80 for it. The front glass was falling out and my mom took it to a furniture repair place and had it repaired so the glass would stay in. Not sure how much that cost her for the repair. I do not think the glass knob on the front is original either. I think someone replaced it in its life. My mom sent a letter to Gustav Stickley furniture I think in the 1990s and got a response from someone who is really high up in the company now as I recall from researching. I hope someone can help me with what to use to clean this possible Stickley china cabinet. Thank you. Robert Knarr[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="rknarr2, post: 3807456, member: 9614"]I have a china cabinet that is dusty and has not been cleaned in about 20 years. I wanted to know what to use to clean it with. I have murphy's oil soap would that be good to put on it. I hate to say what I am about to say because the skepticism will come out but this may or may not be a Stickley Brothers china cabinet. We have been researching off and on trying to determine if it is or not. My grandma told my mom to buy this because my grandma thought it was Gustav Stickley from a local furniture deal. She paid $80 for it. The front glass was falling out and my mom took it to a furniture repair place and had it repaired so the glass would stay in. Not sure how much that cost her for the repair. I do not think the glass knob on the front is original either. I think someone replaced it in its life. My mom sent a letter to Gustav Stickley furniture I think in the 1990s and got a response from someone who is really high up in the company now as I recall from researching. I hope someone can help me with what to use to clean this possible Stickley china cabinet. Thank you. Robert Knarr[/QUOTE]
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