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<p>[QUOTE="DragonflyWink, post: 545175, member: 111"]In my youth, was skilled enough at needlepoint, that for a time, I stitched the examples of a company's kits that were photographed for the packaging (complicated designs, unusual and varied yarns, etc.) - as Jivvy suggests, your piece shows limited skill, with many errors in technique, and does point to more amatuer work, a paid worker would likely be held to a better standard. That said, some people don't have the eye to see the problems, and frankly, while this isn't anything that I might consider hanging on a wall, others would (I also used to take needlepoint out of the frames, using it for pillows or upholstering small footstools, they sold well for me).</p><p><br /></p><p>~Cheryl[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="DragonflyWink, post: 545175, member: 111"]In my youth, was skilled enough at needlepoint, that for a time, I stitched the examples of a company's kits that were photographed for the packaging (complicated designs, unusual and varied yarns, etc.) - as Jivvy suggests, your piece shows limited skill, with many errors in technique, and does point to more amatuer work, a paid worker would likely be held to a better standard. That said, some people don't have the eye to see the problems, and frankly, while this isn't anything that I might consider hanging on a wall, others would (I also used to take needlepoint out of the frames, using it for pillows or upholstering small footstools, they sold well for me). ~Cheryl[/QUOTE]
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