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Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by journeymagazine, Jan 25, 2018.

  1. journeymagazine

    journeymagazine Well-Known Member

    This is from Bob Brooks of Antique Q&A which was a link in a early answer about this chair. I told him the antiquers board mentioned him in describing a similar chair, and sent him photos of mine. Here is his reply which he asked me to share with you all:

    I took a look at your chair photos. What you found is a Victorian Gothic
    Revival corner chair that probably dates from 1840 to 1865. Corner chairs
    existed during the Jacobean Period of the 17th century. The design of this
    one features medieval motifs. And, yes, it sort of looks Chinese but isn't.
    It's also not related to Chippendale, who used Chinoiserie motifs in some of
    his furniture designs.

    During the Victorian Era, there were lots of style revivals. In fact,
    there's no such thing as one Victorian style.

    Please share this with the people at Also, please tell them
    about my online antiques magazine. It's free and currently has 16,000
    viewers. Go to The Antiques Almanac at The
    theme of the latest edition is "All Things Victorian."

    For more information on Victorian Revivals, read "The Victorian Era--An Age
    of Revivals" at

    Bob Brooke

    He then sent me a 2nd email:

    On further inspection, I also think your chair is probably English. It's
    also possible that it was used in a church, given the St. George and the
    Dragon theme.


    - So, should I call it:
    A English Victorian Gothic Revival corner chair that probably dates from 1840 to 1865??
    Thanks all - and thanks Bob!
    Figtree3, judy, James Conrad and 4 others like this.
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Great, journey, thanks for the update.
    kyratango, judy and James Conrad like this.
  3. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Told you so. ;)
    kyratango likes this.
  4. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Victorian Gothic Revival mid 1800s English corner chair

    Thanks for the update.
    Glad to know I was in the right time frame and country.
  5. Jeff Drum

    Jeff Drum Well-Known Member

    Since everyone is posting picture of various other pieces here, I'll throw in this Queen Anne chair I just picked up last week which is period 18th, but has had work done on it so not desirable to most collectors (if there are still any collectors out there). Not my favorite piece, but useful for comparison. Lack of secondary woods made me assume English at first, though I think the style makes it pretty definitely American. Unfortunately it looks to have been disassembled and put back together with new and enlarged plus a couple extra pegs; besides the tip of one arm and at least one tenon it is possible other pieces were replaced and I haven't gone over it in detail but it seems mostly original. P3040799.JPG P3040801.JPG P3040802.JPG P3040803.JPG P3040804.JPG P3040806.JPG P3040807.JPG
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