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beaded handbag/purse, ivory handle ?
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<p>[QUOTE="Bronwen, post: 695284, member: 5833"]My impression is they don't really want to have to police ivory, not because they don't care about elephants, but because how are they to know if African or Indian, antique or modern? They could demand that anyone who wants to sell ivory also show a scan of a certification making it legal, but they don't. Believe if you say it's 'antique', they take your word for it. E.g.:</p><p><br /></p><p><a href="http://www.ebay.com/itm/143080830862" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="http://www.ebay.com/itm/143080830862" rel="nofollow">http://www.ebay.com/itm/143080830862</a></p><p><br /></p><p><br /></p><p><br /></p><p>So reports to eBay, who take down the listing & scold the seller, but do not try to prosecute seller? Have been told at a big antique jewellery show that at least one seller got hit with a large fine.</p><p><br /></p><p>I regularly encounter ivory cameo listings of the wink-wink variety, although sometimes I think seller genuinely doesn't know. When they say it is resin but are asking $300, it's a bit of a tip off.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Bronwen, post: 695284, member: 5833"]My impression is they don't really want to have to police ivory, not because they don't care about elephants, but because how are they to know if African or Indian, antique or modern? They could demand that anyone who wants to sell ivory also show a scan of a certification making it legal, but they don't. Believe if you say it's 'antique', they take your word for it. E.g.: [URL]http://www.ebay.com/itm/143080830862[/URL] So reports to eBay, who take down the listing & scold the seller, but do not try to prosecute seller? Have been told at a big antique jewellery show that at least one seller got hit with a large fine. I regularly encounter ivory cameo listings of the wink-wink variety, although sometimes I think seller genuinely doesn't know. When they say it is resin but are asking $300, it's a bit of a tip off.[/QUOTE]
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beaded handbag/purse, ivory handle ?
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