Featured Antiquers: Share Your Favorite Purchase Of 2019

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by Joe2007, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. patd8643

    patd8643 Well-Known Member

    DS, following Mr. Nate's example, polish the bowl and sent a picture back. He is delighted.

    Well darn, the picture didn't load. Take my word, it looked terrific.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    The bottom critter is a wolf.
    The guy on top.....looks like a human transforming into a mountain goat....
    moreotherstuff, Bronwen, judy and 3 others like this.
  3. Vintage Maven

    Vintage Maven Well-Known Member

    I’m more of a 20th century pop culture/icon collector, but, 2019 was a very good year for me, and I made many acquisitions, in both vintage and antique. I focus on “many items” that catch my eye (For example, I have a vintage record collection that dates back to 1950, about 90% of that collection is in mint condition, and that goes with “most everything“ I collect, depending on it’s rarity), but I’m especially interested in fine original photography prints. I made a number of additions to my collection, and all of them are my favourites, so it is difficult to choose. Two that stood out this year are a 1956 un-retouched original proof of Audrey Hepburn by Richard Avedon, I have six original Hepburn prints throughout my vintage original collection ranging from 1951 to 1963, one of which I own the negative for. The second is a 1918 signed print of Mary Pickford taken by photographer Fred Hartsook. I acquired the Pickford from a collector who lived a mere few blocks away from where I live. I also own several original photos from Mary Pickford’s personal collection. ❤️Maven B2CFB5CC-ADB7-42FC-B45C-74020861E768.jpeg 2DEFE266-771D-4584-855F-7B873B60519C.jpeg
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
    Joe2007, Lucille.b, komokwa and 10 others like this.
  4. hubcapwalrus

    hubcapwalrus Active Member

    @komokwa It's not a wolf, Bell depicted wolves differently. I think it’s specifically a Tahltan bear dog. The humanoid on top has two fins and a single horn. Heiltsuk cosmology is filled with all sorts of beings and entities, short of asking Bell I think it’s impossible to identify, but it gives a more marine vibe.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2019
  5. Vintage Maven

    Vintage Maven Well-Known Member

    @Joe2007 I really love the colours in those bookends. ❤️Maven
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It has a Shamanic feel, a Shamanic transformation of some sort. Not that I am a specialist in NW art, I just love it. I have a Shamanic background (as do the Heiltsuk), so I may be filling things in from that perspective.
    Great find, btw, and I really love it.
  7. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    I can't think of a favorite purchase this year. Maybe I'll come up with something and take pictures after I return home from the current holiday trip.

    Nice discussion thread, @Joe2007 !
  8. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    I think mine is one I've showed in the finds thread - Thomas Webb "rock crystal" glass vase/urn engraved by William Fritsche - was very "sick" when I got it (thrift store find if you can believe it), but I had it cleaned and now it's gorgeous:

  9. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

  10. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    Stunning photo Aaron. How did you get rid of the sick glass? No rush, whenever you can say.
  11. aaroncab

    aaroncab in veritate victoria

    Was beyond my capabilities - I sent it off to a professional glass cleaner. I can give you his contact info - very reasonable rates and I can't complain about the results.
  12. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    Oh, thanks Aaron, right now I don't have any sick glass to worry about, but the person who did your item did a fantastic job. It is a wonderful piece of glass.
    Enjoy it and thanks.
  13. BMRT

    BMRT Jewelry cherry-picker, lover of silver

    This was gifted to me vs a direct purchase but it’s still my favorite item by far to have arrived in 2019. Vintage vs Antique but simply stunning. 3A1E2CD6-E560-4072-AB03-1A91049E0769.jpeg It’s a cameo signed G. Noto on the back. Larger piece set in gold and vintage. It can be worn as a pin or as a pendant.

    And no.2 is this set of earrings and pendant I bought for myself. These are an antiquity, hardstone cameo along with a photograph of Ms. Hermione, the original owner, who was gifted the set in the late 1800’s wearing the brooch. Set in gold. 50907D65-E3B2-44BA-907F-013F844A7EC5.jpeg
  14. bluumz

    bluumz Quite Busy

    Since it wasn’t specified that our favorite purchase had to be antique/vintage…
    My favorite 2019 purchase is my three-piece IKEA Liatorp bookcase set. I had been eyeing this on the website for over a year. Finally, a place to put (some of) my stuff!

    KikoBlueEyes, BMRT, Joe2007 and 14 others like this.
  15. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    I could definitely use one of those Bluumz. Love it.

    I see you have the Joy Of Cooking Cookbook there and some pie birds. I like them all.
  16. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I din't buy much this year, but this li'll guy stole my heart.....sits right next to my screen....
    ( finding a tiny makers mark on his butt, at a later date...was a bonus..!..) :happy:

    IMG_4670.JPG IMG_4672.JPG
    BMRT, Joe2007, moreotherstuff and 9 others like this.
  17. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    The things one finds on a Pixiu's butt....:pompous::joyful:
  18. Ghopper1924

    Ghopper1924 Well-Known Member

    A man's washstand attributed to Brooklyn's Thomas Brooks. I'm having fun establishing a time period for it at the moment....I'm leaning towards late 1850s. More in the Furniture Forum. P1010342.JPG P1010343.JPG
    bercrystal, BMRT, Joe2007 and 10 others like this.
  19. hubcapwalrus

    hubcapwalrus Active Member

    Thanks! It really does. I love it, too. I worked with objects by Bell at the Smithsonian this summer, and I was really surprised to see this one for sale.
  20. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    These are my favorite buys form 2019.

    I love Victorian English pressed glass, but as you can imagine, I don't find much of it in the US, this year I did. All four are Sowerby, the nursery rhyme posy vase came from an antique show, the little blue basket is from an antique shop, the open salt and the other basket were screaming deals from a local flea market :)

    I found the open salt and the little basket next to it in a reprint of a catalog from 1882.

    kyratango, patd8643, aaroncab and 9 others like this.
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