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Antique silver plated creamer "Norseman" .... from a cruise line? or club?
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<p>[QUOTE="Jo Taylor, post: 32259, member: 372"]Here's a picture of the "Norseman" which was owned by the Union Line of Southampton which later combined with the Castle Line to become Union-Castle Mail SS Co. She sailed on the mail service between Southampton and South African ports, usually with a call at Plymouth. The Union Line acquired her in 1866. In 1873 she was sold to West Indies and Brazil Telegraph Co and used as a cable laying ship. Damaged in a storm in 1892, and scrapped in Holland in 1898. (As mentioned above.)</p><p>My great-grandmother sailed from South Africa to Europe on her in 1871. Written on the back of my original copy of the photo: "Steamer I came to Europe in with my children September 20th - October 25 1871".</p><p>The Illustrated London News of Feb. 25, 1871 had the following mention of the ship: "The Norseman arrived at Plymouth, on Monday, from the Cape whence she started on the 19th ult. She brings nine packages of diamonds, valued at £6000, and fourteen cases of ostrich feathers, besides other goods. The Cape Parliament is to meet in April next. Diamonds of great value are still being discovered."</p><p><br /></p><p>My great-grandmother was a wealthy lady who would have travelled in comfort; perhaps she even used this item... I'd call it a milk jug - perhaps "creamer" is an American term?</p><p><img src="http://www.histarmar.com.ar/ArchivoFotosGral-2/VaporesSACarrioin/023.JPG" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" />[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Jo Taylor, post: 32259, member: 372"]Here's a picture of the "Norseman" which was owned by the Union Line of Southampton which later combined with the Castle Line to become Union-Castle Mail SS Co. She sailed on the mail service between Southampton and South African ports, usually with a call at Plymouth. The Union Line acquired her in 1866. In 1873 she was sold to West Indies and Brazil Telegraph Co and used as a cable laying ship. Damaged in a storm in 1892, and scrapped in Holland in 1898. (As mentioned above.) My great-grandmother sailed from South Africa to Europe on her in 1871. Written on the back of my original copy of the photo: "Steamer I came to Europe in with my children September 20th - October 25 1871". The Illustrated London News of Feb. 25, 1871 had the following mention of the ship: "The Norseman arrived at Plymouth, on Monday, from the Cape whence she started on the 19th ult. She brings nine packages of diamonds, valued at £6000, and fourteen cases of ostrich feathers, besides other goods. The Cape Parliament is to meet in April next. Diamonds of great value are still being discovered." My great-grandmother was a wealthy lady who would have travelled in comfort; perhaps she even used this item... I'd call it a milk jug - perhaps "creamer" is an American term? [IMG]http://www.histarmar.com.ar/ArchivoFotosGral-2/VaporesSACarrioin/023.JPG[/IMG][/QUOTE]
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Antique silver plated creamer "Norseman" .... from a cruise line? or club?
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