Featured Antique ...earrings?? Stamped R.G. or A.G.

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Lucille.b, Nov 18, 2020.

  1. Lucille.b

    Lucille.b Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the responses. Now convinced they are earrings for sure. Size is right, and they hold well. I still haven't found another pair (anywhere online) marked "R.G." which we think is for rolled gold. I saw one question about RG with periods that someone suggested might be a signature due to the punctuation periods. Who knows. I have another pair of omega earrings (18K) but they are nothing like this. These are sort of an early version?

    View attachment 291182

    Here is the 18K (actually have a question about those, will start new post)


    The 18K: aa.jpg
    kyratango likes this.
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