Featured Another Unsigned NWC Style Carving (?)

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by 2manybooks, Sep 20, 2021.

  1. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    of the carvings I've had or seen , that were attributed to K'san school ....signed ..or not.....they mostly had a Northern Tsimshian look to them......no matter who the artist was....
    it seemed to be a style favored by the teachers......for the students to study and produce ......
    Potteryplease, judy and all_fakes like this.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Gitanmaax (Kitanmax) School of Northwest Coast Indian Art

    Located in the historical village of ‘Ksan at Hazelton, the school offers a four-year program dedicated to the renewal and passing of this special art form to succeeding generations. Students strengthen and build on the old art traditions by training in the style and skills of master carvers. Many well-established Northwest Coast artists have marked their beginnings at the Kitanmaax School. ‘Ksan was the first to offer Northwest Coast Indian art in formal instruction. Contributing in the renaissance of the art form, Gitanmaax School of Northwest Coast Indian Art has played a role in elevating the arts profile to a higher degree of popularity and esteem.

    Potteryplease and all_fakes like this.
  3. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    If we're showing seal bowls, here's another; about 15 years ago David Boxley Sr. had a booth at NW Folklife in Seattle, mostly just to demonstrate carving; he was working on a small but nicely-designed seal bowl (alder, 6") and I asked if he'd sell it to me once it was done. He agreed, and later noted that my timing was good - there'd been about a dozen people after me who wanted it.
    But just as an example of how the details can be worked out:

    Boxley 1.jpg

    Boxley 2.jpg

    Boxley 3.jpg

    Boxley 4.jpg
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I've sold a couple of his works.......classy stuff !!
    Nice bowl !!!!

    He was in Montreal....on the day I was closed....& didn't call ahead ! :mad:

    He said....next time................but that never happened ! :sour:
    all_fakes likes this.
  5. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    That's too bad; he's become quite a force in cultural preservation, in addition to his art.
    (He traces his heritage to Metlakatla, Alaska; where a group of Tsimshians were "transplanted" to Tlingit lands in 1887, with rather devastating effects on their culture and art. Research into that history has been one of my core specialties for some time.)
    His poster for their centennial:

    komokwa and Potteryplease like this.
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