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Am I a camellia? Where did I come from?
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<p>[QUOTE="silverthwait, post: 90093, member: 103"]Owned, and any other rose people: when I was very small, we had a wonderful rose which inhabited a fence. It was <i>not</i> a 'cabbage rose' per the definitions given above. It had a tight, bright pink and pointed bud, very fat at the bottom. When the petals began to unfold, they were pointed and the edges rolled under.</p><p><br /></p><p>As more petals began to open, they turned cream-colored, while remaining pink where attached to the bud. The flowers were large (about the size of today's Peace Rose), and they were perfumed. They didn't just have a fragrance, and they didn't just smell nice -- one could float to heaven on their scent.</p><p><br /></p><p>Anyone have a clue?[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="silverthwait, post: 90093, member: 103"]Owned, and any other rose people: when I was very small, we had a wonderful rose which inhabited a fence. It was [I]not[/I] a 'cabbage rose' per the definitions given above. It had a tight, bright pink and pointed bud, very fat at the bottom. When the petals began to unfold, they were pointed and the edges rolled under. As more petals began to open, they turned cream-colored, while remaining pink where attached to the bud. The flowers were large (about the size of today's Peace Rose), and they were perfumed. They didn't just have a fragrance, and they didn't just smell nice -- one could float to heaven on their scent. Anyone have a clue?[/QUOTE]
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Am I a camellia? Where did I come from?
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