A thead to introduce ourselves.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by clutteredcloset49, May 31, 2014.

  1. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Administrator Moderator

    Davey knows me from the coin forum that I run, CoinTalk.com. He's been a regular over there for quite a while. I also used to sell on eBay (here's my profile) till they squeezed all the profits out of it for me. I never was very active on the boards because I don't care for how they moderate over there.
  2. tie.dye.cat

    tie.dye.cat Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm so glad you put this forum together. Your work is very much appreciated. :)
    707susang likes this.
  3. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Administrator Moderator

    It's been a pleasure :)
  4. UncleChuckTX

    UncleChuckTX Well-Known Member

    Howdy everyone! I got here as quickly as I could. I'm Chuck, the poster AKA "iansnanatexas". I uploaded the same avatar and signature as the other board, so hope that helps with the transition.

    Thanks for setting up a new place to gather. I just saw a wave of mod deletions over on the PGP board in the "Veteran posters" thread. I figured I'd better get my butt in gear and sign up here.

    I'm by no means an expert in any field. I deal mostly with pottery and glass, with a few antique and collectible pieces mixed in. I have a nice little library of books, and I'm happy to help when I can. I can also usually Google with the best of them.
    spirit-of-shiloh and Kgr947 like this.
  5. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Welcome aboard Chuck :cool:
  6. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Glad you could make it! The mods zapped the heck out of that thread.
  7. Hi Everyone...glad to finally find my way here!

    I'm Karen and I have been a reader of the Antiques & PGP boards for several years now and it's been like a wonderful continuing education for me. I may not join the discussion often, but I do enjoy the learning and the sense of community.

    I happily fell into the business of selling antiques/junque out of self-defense, not to mention an overstuffed home, and have kept space in a Antiques Mall for almost 20 years as well as selling on eBay.

    Thanks for the invitation to join this group. :)
  8. gregsglass

    gregsglass Well-Known Member

    Hi Karen,
    Welcome hope you like the forum. It is still growing. It is so nice to see so many familar faces.
  9. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    Since I see so many unfamiliar names, maybe I should re-introduce myself? In one incarnation or another, I've been hanging around eBay and the boards since their inception. I have "dealt" in antiques and "stuff", not by choice but by necessity - I inherited piles of stuff and had to get rid of most of it! My focused area of expertise is Social Anthropology & Archeology - more of WHY a thing was created than WHAT was created. Function before form, so to speak.

    Aside from a bushel basket of questions, I am most known for the drivel that I post which usually has nothing to do with a current topic ........... but some find it amusing, so I still post occasionally. I have curbed that somewhat and now tend to put all the mindless nonsense on my own forum. And no, it is not interesting enough to be an EGO booster.........

    I am honored to have been invited here and look forward to new acquaintances and on going education and conversations.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2014
  10. Tauriel

    Tauriel Active Member

    WELCOME Mansons so glad to see you made it!!! I have always looked forward to reading you posts :) glad to see you on board!

    Tauriel aka 19561945
  11. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    I have never been one to investigate others or what their other ids might be.

    Taureil -
    I had no idea that you were 19561945. I have enjoyed your queries and responses at the other place, and often responded to your posts. Forgive me for not knowing who you were. No wonder I liked you.

    Now I will probably go and forget that the two ids are linked; because I don't keep notes on that stuff and my memory doesn't last very long.
  12. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    I didn't know we were supposed to introduce ourselves!

    Hi, my name is Wendy and I've been an addict, er, collector (and very occasional) seller for several decades. ;)

    I dunno why I hoard, er collect. My main interest is porcelain -- mostly 19th c handpainted stuff. Don't hoard, er collect a lot anymore due to DH's longsufferingness. I have an eclectic range of interests but have to say that my interest in porcelain has been one of the most long-lasting. Nice to see so many familiar faces!
    Tauriel and Bev aka thelmasstuff like this.
  13. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    *SOMEONE* must have looked at my info here and made an account named "threadzilla" on ebay.

    PLEASE NOTE: THAT threadzilla is NOT ME.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  14. mymysharona43

    mymysharona43 Well-Known Member

    I am a antiqueaholic
    for years too. No expert on anything but addicted to peeps with the same interests and knowing them daily has been great to me. The info has been priceless. I have been hanging out here almost daily for years, and lurk a lot, and the jewelry boards some pg boards etc
    Nice group of people and great to me that we choose to come together despite the situation and mingle
    I do love jewels but have other interest too anything I can turn or catches my eyes
    Bev aka thelmasstuff and Tauriel like this.
  15. Tauriel

    Tauriel Active Member

    THANK YOU :)LOL, That's ok because I WAS 19561945 but about a year ago when I started selling more I changed my user ID ...19561945.. just seemed too impersonal. I should include my previous ID in my posts so folks recognize me :) well, not that I was that memorable, lol but there might be a FEW people that remember me and will see it's...ME :)
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  16. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    Hi. I'm Sue. "Just plain Sue" to the many from the AB of e-bay. I chose that tag line in honor of a character in literature......so named my current dog, Sadie. As it turns out, she is anything but....."Just Plain Sadie".

    I grew up on the coast just south of San Francisco. I didn't move that far from it and still reside in the wine country of Northern CA.

    I spent the better of my adulthood as an Interior Decorator. I did it for income and not, sadly, an interest in antiques. I was aware, but nothing more than a passing glance and some educated knowledge. My parents, and those before them.....were working class poor and not even a chamber pot, to piss in, to pass down.

    I got very tired of many things (rat race and all) and needed to take to take a break. I never imagined I would wind up here.

    My primary interest, these last years, is the history and where it comes from....Silver.

    I met many of you folk and fell in love with all of you......end of story. :happy:

    Peter T Davis likes this.
  17. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    Sue -
    What part of the Bay Area - I grew up in the hills above Redwood City.
    707susang likes this.
  18. 707susang

    707susang Active Member

    Pacifica, on the beach. I was in Redwood City just over a week ago, having dinner with friends. That place is not the days of yore, is it?

    I remember cruising El Camino, do you? We would start about So. City, and turn around in Redwood City..... Where are you now?
  19. clutteredcloset49

    clutteredcloset49 Well-Known Member

    We cruised El Camino from Redwood City south to Palo Alto.
    I went to Woodside High, my husband went to Sequoia. Used to hang out in Half Moon Bay and Pescadero during the early 70s. I didn't get up to Pacifica very often. Mostly just to drive thru to the zoo if we went the coastal route. Haven't been over to see the new Devil's Slide yet.

    Redwood City has changed alot, I don't care for it too much. It's not easy to drive through downtown anymore. I don't go down there very often. Funny, I was in San Mateo May 30th.

    We moved to the foothills 15 years ago. I'm in the Gold Country. Do you ever get over to Jackson? That's where my store is.
    707susang likes this.
  20. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    One of my friends just alerted me to the fact that a woman with the same name as me posted a scathing comment about local high school kids in the online version of our local paper. I had to reply to let folks know it wasn't me. It's really disturbing when this happens.
    spirit-of-shiloh and antidiem like this.
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