A thead to introduce ourselves.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by clutteredcloset49, May 31, 2014.

  1. tyeldom3

    tyeldom3 Well-Known Member

    Hi CCA and welcome:) This board is a true delight, and a breath of fresh air.
  2. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Welcome Candace, love reading your info. :) Yes, there is a huge difference here than the eBay boards. No trolls,no mean posters to make fun of our items but loads of great help and wonderful members.:cat: The mods are great too.;)
  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Greetings all......here's a little window into my world.

    My business and passion is the art and culture of the Northwest Coast 1st Nations people.
    It's easiest to just say ' it's my business to know ' but I'll give you a little more to go on.
    From 1990 to 2002 I owned the finest contemporary Northwest Coast Indian art gallery on the eastern seaboard. I've been selling on eBay since 1998 and tracking the flood of Indonesian carvings and baskets being sold as authentic 1st Nations art.
    I've bought sold and own several Indonesian works to have a hands on look at what they are and what they're made of, and how they're manufactured.

    The Gallery closed but my modest dot com web site is still chock full of the wonders of the People of the Salmon & the Cedar !

    Over time my knowledge has grown to include facets of all North American 1st Nations artwork, some African & some Oceanic art as well.

    My other interests include weapons , Sterling silver , & I'm reasonably proficient at golf.

    Other than that I have a wealth of general knowledge spurred on by a detectives nature.

    I'll pop in and out of here as time allows & hope to make a positive contribution.

    Stay Frosty !

  4. cxgirl

    cxgirl Well-Known Member

    Hi Komokwa, glad to see you here!
  5. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

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