Featured A Lady And Her Severed Head - A Cameo Mystery!

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by mirana, Oct 18, 2023.

  1. mirana

    mirana Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen others with his first name to compare so I'll have to keep an eye out. I'm curious, from what you've found out about him, if he didn't sign them as the jeweler who made the frame and set the cameo. It makes sense to me for him signing as an artisan than simply as a seller.

    I think the husband has resigned himself to going to any and all cameo spots I can discover for any future travel. :hilarious: He was already very supportive when I planned a trip to view the Gibbes' miniature portrait collection. Luckily, he's also an artist who loves museums and art. ...and he'll probably pay me back with all the music haunts he can find. :D

    The weaving museum also sounds amazing. I don't do it, or much fiber art, myself but I am fascinated by it and have added it to my list of crafts to learn my about in future. I don't think I'm completing a tapestry any time soon, but I can still look! :playful:
    Figtree3 and Any Jewelry like this.
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