Featured 5 Tiny Carved Ivory? Dogs, Each a Different Breed

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by wlwhittier, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. DragonflyWink

    DragonflyWink Well-Known Member

    Good for you keeping at it, she's a lucky girl! I've been blessed to have some amazing critters, including my first Aussie, a one-person dog who was near perfect, but those with problems, whether behavioral, physical or both, have been blessings as well, sometimes just in loving them and knowing that I've been the one to give them a good life, regardless of the difficulties, often entertained by their quirks, and in one case, finally finding the perfect forever home for an Aussie pup that I rescued from an awful situation, but knew, after getting him on the right path, that I wasn't really the 'one'...

    komokwa and Aquitaine like this.
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