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Thanks, I actually forgot to try to look up to 15 aspect.
Thank you Davy and Marote! Too bad they don’t provide any context but good to see some others!
I can’t find another example of this medal. Can you? 1814 The War of the Sixth Coalition ended. 1918 WWI ended. So the years on the medal are...
I didn’t know the they called it Prussian shaped or a Mushroom topper but I agree with glassluv. I got a somewhat similar one recently. That...
I don’t know that artist and I didn’t look it up but I bet that woodblock is a good one. First half 20th century woodblocks are the ones that make...
Are they prints or watercolors? I’ve had Asian watercolors that I’d swear were prints if I didn’t know better on casual viewing. They somehow have...
I didn’t even know larimar existed! Learned my one thing for the day. Pretty stone!
I don’t know about the information but looks like the same mark. https://www.reddit.com/r/tea/s/orFfPxEenQ edit: well I am sure the last comment...
Tea bowl and cup. Stylized yin Yang mark it looks like.
Bale seals. They were attached to sacks and bales of basically any commodity. Various seals guaranteed the commodity was of a certain grade (ex:...
Is it one sided? Could have been a watch fob or keychain. Since there’s a chip out of it that may have been where a hole had been drilled and it...
What is the knob?
I’m with Johnny. You take my costume version. I’ll take the VCA.
Well it couldn’t be more handsome. As long as you didn’t pay an appendage and an appendage for it I wouldn’t be to displeased.
It has the companies name on the sticker and then again in the listing. Tamagawa Toki.
Sure is good lookin!! What stupendous color. Would it be a sash buckle more than belt?
Maybe based on a Van Cleef & Arpels piece. Any idea who would have made it? Just a “made in France” mark. [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]
You have got to also think about life back then. No computers, internet, television, movies, depending on the year telephone and radio. A large...
Thank you for the education! I was confounded when I saw filigree on an American made spoon. This is as thorough of an explanation as I could have...
Thanks for your replies everyone! I was annoyed that I couldn’t figure this one out but less annoyed now that I realize it’s not so obvious....
Separate names with a comma.