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I don’t know enough about furniture to offer a valuable opinion but my immediate reaction was that it didn’t look very old.
What a cool frame with the handle and recessed brass mounting hardware. I like the fan too. The guards are excellent. I prefer the damaged side...
Found a letter opener I have and figured I’d share. Picked up for a few bucks at a sale. For me it’s a lot of fun for a few bucks, even with the...
If it was an earring there would have had to have been something for the post to attach to. It looks like the Pearl has an open back like the...
beautiful piece in that second link. Good NYT article, this rube would have liked a photo or two though.
The “straight faced” sincerity of this reply to a sarcastic question is sooo funny. “You know, Japanese hands, large palms, short fingers, you...
Fantastic shirts! Funny that them being together 26 years at that time felt like an eternity. Folks couldn’t believe they were still playing...
Interesting button. Not sure of the scale, the two smaller ones may be bird points. I think overall west coast points tended to be smaller than...
Where’d you find it? Story, not geographic location as you’ve shared that already. The area found is probably a tick on the good sign list if it’s...
Oooh. That is an exciting find! Amazing piece and also if it is NA they can go for bookoo dollars. That one probably deserves being seen by an...
Onterestong! Needlepoint and cross stitch. I was actually going to ask about the inconsistency in the stitching (vertical/horizontal). Something...
Pretty shape to your dish!
it’s amazing how many of them are ignored entirely. I probably spend twenty minutes a day sending offers. I used to not send them because I...
Thanks Debora. I’m horrible at ID’ing textile techniques. With any luck it will sink in one day.
Solely interested to know what technique is employed here? Framed so I can’t see the back. [ATTACH][ATTACH]
That’s what I typically do. However it would be more responsible and practical to sell the best and keep the worst. I just love the stuff too much...
Do not hold your breath!!! I will if I do though. I was thrilled to find it in a bag lot during the final seconds of a three day sale. I couldn’t...
So let’s say $5 pocket knives are what you can afford. You buy 20 $5 pocket knives over a year or so. You have a nice collection in your price...
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