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If it were me though I’d put everything you have through eBay. If you have the time and are willing to do the work that would likely be the...
I’d also think an auction house would be a good way to do it. They’ll do 100% of the work. They’ll work to get the best price. All you have to do...
Those green man or north wind plaques look little strange to me. Think someone added them later or are they original? I love a little figural face...
You can’t leave that sitting there for just a 5’er. Too much fun not to take with you at that price. I’d never seen one.
That is a strange bowl! Can’t say I have seen one quite like that. I’d think quite modern. Not more than 50 years old or so probably. More likely...
Spratling #1, Margot #2 pretty much right?
That’s a good point. That said I’ve actually had a good amount of larger Egyptian pieces. Someone on ebay years ago got into the collection of an...
That’s the most crisp Egyptian mark I’ve personally ever seen.
I bet you’d get 150-200 pretty easily. More not out of the question. Letter openers sell very well. Desk items have a strong collector base in...
Definitely atypical. Seem to be highly collected none the less. Flambé the glaze you’re looking for? Ox blood/sang de boeuf Chinese glazes fall...
Very interesting. Is yours also around 20”? Nice horn btw!
A quick search of foo dog netsuke doesn’t show any using the ball to pass cord through. I didn’t dig deep though.
Foo dogs often have a reticulated ball under one paw. When a pair often the male has a ball under paw and female has a puppy. Could be a netsuke...
Check out the Ruskin oxblood stuff if you want to see light!...
That isn’t a light socket in the flower is it? What a cool find!
Great that Gebr were preserving history in their own way. Sad that so much tradition, and that which made us unique is going by the wayside these...
Love it! Great looking pot.
Excellent! Thanks Cheryl. Most of the other examples I saw seemed newer so that fits in with the timeline of others. It may be right above the...
I couldn’t see it in person but in the photo now that you mention it the sword probably was above the visible mark. I can see a faint outline of...
This spoon seems to have been recreated somewhat often. I didn’t see any examples with the mark mine has. Others have modern Dutch sword marks and...
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