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The first thing I did last night once I got it home was to open the back. NOT glued down to the nasty cardboard. And it was real - really thin...
I think she's an Assyrian angel or a female griffin. Or some such. Poor girl went topless in the cold air, for sure! The back of the pin is...
There's a round impressed mark that I finally figured out says "made in Belgium" and the very European script number on the bottom. That's all it...
I never thought I'd see a piece outside of the Antiques Roadshow but there it sat in a dollar box. Not a dollar each - a dollar for the whole box....
It would require highway driving early morning, always a bad idea. That's if the Covid/flu shots weren't kicking my butt....
Got a bracelet box full of these years ago, without knowing what they were. Still don't. They're thin pieces of plastic, almost definitely not...
Not on this side of the Atlantic anyway. Bought this pin because it made my nose twitch, months or years back. ...yeppers. When did she start...
I was at a tag sale and swear it felt like I was beating Peggy to these! (weird how I can pull up her first name but my brain won't cough up the...
It was made as shown, as though someone put half the necklace on backwards. It almost has to be Native American, and there's a triangle mark...
It's not ancient, definitely machine-woven, and has metallic thread. There are designs around the edge that want to be Arabic or Sanskrit but...
At a little past the 31 minute mark, Drew Pritchard says he can't remember the last time a dealer told him he'd just been through Hull. Why?...
Yeah well. As long as I'm dreaming anyway. I'll take one of these:...
I know the majors, but the old AAAs ... not so much. This is a Cooperstown Ball Cap Co (now defunct) repop wool hat. Seems like a kid size ......
The cuff looks like someone bent a kilt pin, but the maker's mark...???? It looks like HH in a circle with the Hs overlapped. It's pretty bitty....
Found these in an odd place. I'm assuming made in Austria until told otherwise. The picture of the back got blurry on me, but those piecrust...
The back sort of smells like D&E ... kind of. Lots of globby solder. But the construction looks like Austrian pretender from the front. I don't...
Found these in an estate sale last week. Paid a whopping $4 for the pair, flower frogs included. The glass looked cracked to some people...
The necklace and the design on the dangle look like a stirrup or a wordworking compass a la Stickley or something. The name says (NA?) trison or...
Open to established posters. Costume jewelry pile including earrings, a pin, a pendant, and a Mexican alpaca bracelet. I'll pull a name out of a...
Ever hear of breadboarding? Here it was. Still working, and signed by Woz. If you have one of these in a closet it might be worth digging it out...
Separate names with a comma.