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Now this one I'm pretty sure is old, I think pot metal, prong set rhinestones, 1940's? Or am I being too hopeful? First photo is propped up so...
They probably aren't, but the open backs are promising. I don't see any puddling though... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I'm just horrible at identify stones, an...
Somewhat recent find. I don't know a thing about it, took to a music store, they said that it is not an autoharp? It is dirty because I am having...
Came in a jewelry lot I purchased online. Not sure what it is. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
These[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] are just preliminary pics, so not that great, I still don't know what to put this on to...
This is made of a gold colored metal with either a silver wash, or the silver plating has worn off due to age, can't make up my mind. I think...
The material on this purse clasp is very pretty, in an orangey red color, opaque/cloudy look. It is not fluorescent, so not amber, and it is...
Trying to identify the word on this coat of arms on these two brooches. They are not silver, the round brooch has an old C clasp, the key has a...
Can anyone tell me what the design style of this bracelet is called? And also what is the white stones? I have it listed as abalone, but not sure...
Thrift store find, Limoges, signed but can't make out signature, dated 1894. Last name Eyears?[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
For the life of me I can't make out this signature, look familiar to anyone? TIA![ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hello! Another thrift store piece, and I don't have any glass books. Anyone know the pattern for this loving cup? Found one similar on etsy, they...
I'm still new to British jewelry, I am looking up the sterling marks, but can't find the marks in this particular order, order is important,...
I got this locket in a lot of jewelry I purchased from the UK. Old photos I believe to be 1920's to 30's. Behind the photos on each side of the...
Don't know a thing about this, if it is old or new, thrift store find. Anyone recognize the head dress/style or features?[ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Two brooches I ran across. I know Damascene is an inlay, and these kind of look like it, but I think the round one almost looks painted? And the...
I ran across these beads at a thrift store. They look handmade to me, amber spheres and orange glass beads that are very different. These are...
I found this interesting necklace, what I believe to be Mid Century Modernist. Never seen one quite like it, pepto bismal pink sphere that looks...
Separate names with a comma.