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I have a box of WWII memorabilia from my Grandfather and he collected a lot of German army items while in country. He had german armbands,...
I bought a lot of Chinese art when I was in China, this is the only piece that I lost the receipt and artists name. I liked it because it...
From what I have found so far the smallest club that is pure root club is probably more traditional/oldest, with the largest club second and...
Yes exactly, I thought my post was reported as spam... Now I get it.
Thanks for the help. My wife's family is from Nova Scotia so I was up there when I helped him. I know these clubs are from Maine though, so that...
Update...It is weird because I have the exact 3 panels that is in the database and in the catalog so although there might be other panels with the...
Do you know how to post images to the ukiyo-e.org site so they are embedded and hosted on their site? There is an option image URL link when you...
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