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Thank you Phil, I saw that mark on your site and must admit I have been unable to find anything that's a better match. Might be one that will be...
Hi I have this slip top spoon which is likely 1st half of the 17thc. Unfortunately as with a lot of these spoons the date letter is completely...
If I want to free a bolt from an exhaust manifold I heat it up with a blowtorch, heating metal components normally makes them easier to remove. By...
I would say it is a cheese scoop.
Well spotted. Silver is my thing and it has mainly flatware and spoons in all the compartments and tray underneath, but they are not are...
A picture of the top. [ATTACH]
Thanks for your reply. I think the lock plate may be original, with the wear to the ebonising around it being caused by operating the key, the...
Hi I was looking for some help in identifying when and where this sewing box on stand was produced. The inside lid is a lacquered panel which I...
That's great folks, thanks very much.
Hi I wonder if anybody could help me identify the purpose of this piece. It measures approximately 4 x 3cms, I thought it may be part of a belt...
I would imagine all 3 are.
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