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I like the look too but I’m a watch wearer so I don’t wear pairs. I always wanted a pair of Turkmen carnelian cuffs but only own one as I knew I...
It’s a lovely gift. I’d be very happy if I received it but IMO you don’t have to worry about giving away something major (which I’ve done to the...
Love these and had a pair in the 70s-never should have given them up.
No not scrap!!!
Classic Bedouin Egyptian braided bracelet and most likely 800 silver. I love these.
Maybe shame on me but I’d buy it as authentic. I’ve definitely seen authentic pieces from the greats with less than clean stamps but more than...
Agree it’s good work. The date is too early (as Debora mentioned) to have any connection to UC Davis’ legendary art department but that doesn’t...
IMO the painting was made to deceive…it’s absolutely got nothing related to Arshile Gorky aside from the sig.
IMO no, sorry. The painting doesn’t look anything remotely like Gorky’s work beside the fact that it has drip elements. Pollack’s first drip was...
TY for the tag AJ. Interesting piece. I definitely see the CC thought although that zigzag ribbon is weird to me and I’d expect a stamp. Some...
I’d guess 70s on the first one-very nice with the brass beads. Worked for an African importer in NY at that time.
Traditionally Zuni unless chip inlay which is Navajo and Kewa (Santo Domingo) although everyone does everything these days.
Gorgeous ring and color here looks very close to my pearls which are greys.
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