I've just spent an hour on this site! it is exactly what i was looking for! I think one could spend a year reading the entire site! Sadly, the...
Does any of you know a good website to date bottles? (Medical ones) Thx!
I went to a friend's cottage this summer more than a 100 years old...the house had been a wheel manufactury in it's life, it still had the plans...
I've just got acquainted with Madam Pinkham and had a lot of fun reading about her medicine!! She can even cure uterine cancer!! The only...
I'm happy to join your forum! I'm mainly collecting medical stuff and have been for 2 years. Being a family doctor myself, i like to see the...
Thanks to you all. Clutteredcloset you made my day, i didn't know about google books and you found great information! Lauragarnet, the size is 12...
[ATTACH] Hello everyone! Can somebody help me with this sign? I'm looking for an estimate age and value. thank you all!
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