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Wow @dcfirebottle !! What a lovely collection! It sure doesn't look like it has ever been used! I didn't know anything about Marghab; but...
Some thoughts on the backside photo: If you compare how the canvas is "pulled" on the front side; to the small nails that appear to be poking out...
Oh!!! This just adds so much CHARM to the piece! Now I "would" go to the bother of trying to clean and frame it properly! It IS older! I agree...
Thanks Cheryl! I'm afraid you are probably right about thinking anything could make it look better. It might be "cleaner"... but it won't change...
Hi everyone, What an incredibly fascinating piece! Yes, it is needlepoint and yes, there is cross stitch. Although, not as common as the...
What a very cool piece! I'm inclined to let the next buyer deal with it...but... if you haven't watched the BBC Show "The Repair Shop"... Susie...
Chemical lace is also known as "Schiffli" lace. Cheerio, Leslie
Certainly could be @bluumz...
Hi everyone! Well, THAT is unusual! In all my years I've never seen ANY lace that has such a thick, almost braided, filling in one of the design...
Absolutely stunning! I LOVE it! Exceptional job! Wow! Leslie
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