Thank you, Debora. I missed that post so I was a little confused!
These do not have the same mark but are also signed "Marz" and listed as 19th century Edit: this one as well listed as circa 1900 so it looks...
I agree there is noting about the style that matches the rest of the chair.
I can't wait to hear the answers to this one! It looks like a lady's chair and a school desk all rolled into one! ;)
I did a quick image search on the mark and this popped up. Of course, this one has Jabez Blackhurst on the top, but it has the same (what they...
not sure of the other mark but B B & B could be the Philadelphia company Bailey Banks and Biddle
This one has the same marking ("czecho" line one "slovakia" line two) as yours and looks similar in size and style. Unfortunately, it doesn't lead...
I won this jug/pitcher in an auction (USA - Pennsylvania - vintage antique business inventory sell-off) with several dozen other pieces of pottery...
The mark look similar to this one. If you scroll down the page you'll see it in the photo with the red markings to its[ATTACH] right. The red...
Absolutely no need to apologize. I so appreciate everyone sharing their thoughts. You are all very knowledgeable! I learn so much here! :)
@Cherryhill I know it was at least handed down from my grandmother to my mother, I am just not certain if it was handed down to her or if she was...
Well, I'll be darned! It sure does! Heck of a find @TallCakes! There is no mark on it, but, from what I am reading with very quick research (I...
Separate names with a comma.