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Thank you so much. I have it listed as possible Nippon, I'm glad you are also getting a Japanese vibe.
Hello, I have this pretty decanter and am trying to get some info on it so I can sell it. Age, type or style. It is unmarked. Any help...
Yes, that is exactly what it is! A strange design for a clock I think.
This is a gilt iron "flat" face clock with a New Haven clock mechanism. Garden of Eden scene with the angel, serpent, and Adam & Eve. I'm having a...
Here is an example of why I thought it might be Napoleon III style, this type of base is found in a lot of pieces of that era, also the bird/heron...
Thank you, I'm always afraid of selling something as original and finding out it is a repo.
They are black.
Thank you so much!!
heavy ceramic with fired gold accents
I'm currently going through items purchased from an estate where the lady had antiques mixed with repros. I'm not sure on this vase? Any help...
I think I have ID'ed as Rembrandt Lamp Co
Separate names with a comma.