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It might be :bookworm::bookworm::bookworm: 10000% sure...it is absolutely solid metal...you could crack someone head pretty easy with it...I...
and MOS you definitely pushed me into the right direction...it might be Edo-Benin as their lost-wax castings look really similar...but I am still...
Also, could it be bronze (even everything tells me it is brass :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:)?
I do not know unfortunately...but I think it was made with lost-wax casting, I forgot to mention that...if that helps
Hello good people, I got this beautiful (I believe it to be brass) bird figure...at first some African Gold Weight came to my mind but then I...
Hello good people, I think its ceramic...it has this beautiful grayish glaze (I didn't do it justice with the photos...I should have made the...
Thank you all!!! :woot::woot::woot: I just love it and I am really happy to have it!!! :joyful::happy::joyful: A lot of your proposals and...
I love them! I love that cut :happy::happy::happy: I do not know if this helps....but they reminded me of this:...
Well yes...it looks rather like female...but the pose rather reminded me of Icarus...
Ok, so this one is done so well...I truly have no words for it...I am so sad it is damaged :(:(:( (it is on the first front right "leg"...small...
Hello good people, I think this should represent Icarus ("I think" :shy::shy::shy:)...it seems to be cast bronze ("it seems to be"...
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