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Let me see if I understand. Someone, a hobbyist, took pieces from multiple sets made by different producers, and then created/painted a "custom"...
Yes, I saw his post and was going to ask him about it. Thanks for your help and patience!
Tea Pot Base[ATTACH] Creamer Base [ATTACH] Sugar Bowl Base [ATTACH] All 6 Tea Cup Bases [ATTACH] All 6 Saucer Bases [ATTACH]
Let's give it a try!
Oh sorry if I posted in the wrong place! I'm new to the site as well as antiques and to be honest, I find navigating the site and posting to be a...
I am brand new to the world of antiques and am brought here by a tea set found at a yard sale. Some pieces carry a Royal Epiag CECHO-SLOV stamp...
Interested in info about a 1920s Tea Set carrying Royal Epiag CECHO-SLOV stamps and name Martha L. Phillips or variations of such.
6 cups & saucers, 1 pot, 1 creamer, 1 sugar bowl with no lid.
All include name Martha and month and year. June & July 1928.
All with Martha's signature
Martha Phillips signature dated 1929 along with Royal Epiag Cecho-Slov stamp.
Sugar bowl is missing it's top? and has a chip
1929 & Martha L. Phillips signature is plainly visible.
Creamer bottom has the signature Martha L. Phillips
Separate names with a comma.