Desertau's Recent Activity

  1. Desertau posted a new thread.

    Tibetan Jewelry is it Real or Fake

    I’ve been telling my wife what a knowledgeable group this is and fantastic resource. She has this necklace she got from a friend who got...

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    Forum: Jewelry

    Jul 8, 2024 at 3:09 PM
  2. Desertau replied to the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    You’re wise to be careful people can be… hmmm just always be careful. I mentioned to my wife the concerns here about this new jades...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 2:47 PM
  3. Desertau liked bosko69's post in the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    Desert-I love Japanese & Chinese art & artifacts new or old.With the Chinese items many of the artists don't seem to see any need to...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 2:41 PM
  4. Desertau attached a file to the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    Well the Du Long Yu was a little more controversial than I anticipated, but I certainly can see the concerns. Here is another new jade...

    IMG_2024-07-08-102555.jpeg IMG_2024-07-08-102657.jpeg Jul 8, 2024 at 1:37 PM
  5. Desertau replied to the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    I’m also careful like you if I don’t know what it is i better really like it and it better be cheep. learning about a lot of things I...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 12:38 PM
  6. Desertau liked bosko69's post in the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    I try not to buy anything expensive from China-re the antiquities/collectibles market.It's a scammy mess too dangerous for any layman to...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 12:16 PM
  7. Desertau liked Any Jewelry's post in the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    Very kind of you.:) Unfortunately my traveling days are long gone, but reading about your travels and adventures is a delight.

    Jul 8, 2024 at 12:15 PM
  8. Desertau replied to the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    I introduced a couple online friends involved in jade one from Canada he organizes the world jade symposium I think it’s called the...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 10:32 AM
  9. Desertau replied to the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    Any jewelry you are more knowledgeable on jade than I am, I just find myself by circumstance with unusual access, if you ever plan on...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 10:20 AM
  10. Desertau liked Any Jewelry's post in the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    Yes, I know that includes turquoise, carnelian, rosequartz and other Chinese favourites as well. All beautiful stones which I love and...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 10:15 AM
  11. Desertau attached a file to the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    Ok, this is the info now you know everything I do [ATTACH]

    IMG_2024-07-08-070857.jpeg Jul 8, 2024 at 10:11 AM
  12. Desertau liked kyratango's post in the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    For sure, Chinese have a culture of jade and stone carvings us Westerners don't have, going strictly about the mineralogy specifics when...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 10:09 AM
  13. Desertau liked kyratango's post in the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    As nice the stone is, as frightening it is for jadeite amateurs-buyers:arghh: You have already, as you said, many sellers selling...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 9:42 AM
  14. Desertau replied to the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    Our friend (s) not one of the dealers you need to be concerned with they work only in the finest quality jade, the cost of carving is...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 9:37 AM
  15. Desertau liked Any Jewelry's post in the thread Du Long Yu a new jade in China.

    I think this thread serves as a warning for buyers out there. So thank you for posting it. I may have a chunk of that stone, only mine...

    Jul 8, 2024 at 9:01 AM