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Appreciate the reply. I will search L Bao.. Also I really didn’t know that about parchment (good to learn,thanks) So handmade paper (sounds a bit...
Thank you AJ,a ‘nude’ it is. On second thought there’s probably not much erotic about it..
There was an older stamp from the framer. But unfortunately I didn’t take a photo.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Hi all,this ink drawing seams to be done on older parchment? The frame obviously...
Noted.Thanks for the reply Debora
Hello and welcome to the forum
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Hi all,I was considering buying this painting. It’s maybe a bit naively painted but I like it. Amateur artist? Not very big on...
Cool prints and looks to be nicely framed.
Buying a yacht will be another sure way of loosing money.. :-)
I think you need super powers to see that perfectly aligned second candle holder. Personally I don’t like the colour scheme much at all. I suppose...
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