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Those numbers is probably the form type. I tried searching for your cups using tags like: Kobalt, Teeservice, Mokkaservice, Goldrand, Perlmutt. I...
I think @Fid spoke of those petit bourgeois portraits found in great abundance on ebay and in antique stores in southern Germany. They typically...
You're right. This is exacty why I asked you guys about it. I found this offer on ebay-kleinanzeigen. There was little to no information about the...
You know, I was thinking the same. If I do end up buying it maybe I'll just leave it as it is.
Oh wow, It seems I missed a lot whilst waiting for the seller's reply. Yes, there are actually two paintings. Of the same house as it seems....
Good question! According to Google it is about 391 DM.
No worries! An honest mistake. I should have written about the location to avoid confusion. Didn't think about it at first:sorry:
Thank you, hopefully I'll have more information soon.
I quoted the price in Euro. € - Euro £ - Pound Sterling
Thank you so much, @blooey! What you wrote is really helpful:joyful:
Still waiting for that response. The seller seems to be an older person and takes her time to answer... You are of course right, the pictures...
I have tried that, but sadly the seller was not convinced. I don't mind the high price of the conservation as long as the paining is worth saving....
200 EUR should be around 240 USD. The size is 45x38 cm (about 18x15 inches), measured with frame. It is indeed signed. I asked the seller for more...
Hello dear antiquers, I have stumbled upon this painting and I liked it right away. Even such an untrained eye as mine can tell that it needs to...
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