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I would say this is not very old, the brown muck is a bit of a giveaway.
They look right to me. Nice!
Shiwan pottery
he'd have a hard time self-flagellating with his old sack
It looks like an inuit piece
maybe it's for the "ladies" door at the gas station?
I've got an interesting bound (several) volumes that lampoon the California gold rush "diggins", must look at it again one of these decades :bigtears:
Very New
This is Japanese, c. 1920's. They made quite a few Longwy style wares in Japan at this time.
I used to scout for Peter at Serendipity books in Berkeley, California in the late 80's/early 90's
There is no business model, I'm retired!! seriously though, haven't really planned anything as yet, still getting all the systems up to snuff and...
Agreed, I like it too
No conversion, just unload boxes, tables and chair ..Step right up folks!
My pleasure.
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