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So much info you all know. Thank you.
Sorry I just look at the site you referred me to and I do not see a label. Thank you AnyJewelry. Does Italy ring a bell for the place your...
Thank you so much Kentworld. That is great.
Does anyone recognizes the mark? What country it is from maybe?
Thank you any jewelry
Thank Davey, I wondered about that, since some others that looked very close to mine were listed as steins. Didn't know about decanting, thanks.
Bought this at a second hand store and know it is very old and possibly a faience beer stein. Do you know the country, the maker's mark[ATTACH]...
No I meant the lopsided handles, like objects in the movie. Or maybe I remember wrong.
Handles are definitely have an Alice-in-Wonderland feel. Thank you.
I do love it, but it has to go. Thank you all!
Thank you.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Bought at 2nd hand store and it looks vintage if not antique to me. There are a number I saw with...
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