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Hello I came across this pencil sketch and I’m trying to find out some more information possibly about the artist and what the value of this...
What do ypu tbink would be a fair asking price. Its 23 inches long and solid wood
Om planning on selling it. I have to check for markings. The person im buying it from was using it outside to put plants on ♀️
Hello. I came across this bench and im not sure of its origin or how to value it for Bench by Alicats121 posted May 16, 2023 at 9:25 PMBench by...
Hi. Thank you. Yes the arms do swivel out. Is silverplate over brass valuable. Id like to sell it but i have no idea of value or vintage....
Can by Alicats121 posted Dec 5, 2022 at 10:30 PMHi. I found this candelabra. It looks like silver and milk glass but im not sure. Any help...
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