Strange little oddity scooped up from a house clearance sale. I have no idea if it’s old or more modern but someone bothered enough to frame it. Please can anyone give me some search terms for this sort of wirework? I’m not sure if the gold infill is embroidery thread of some sort. On the back is a stamp but I’m struggling to read it other than Mogensens (Danish name?)and A.Singer. Any help would be appreciated please. Many thanks
It looks like a fragment of an antique piece. It also says København, which is the Danish name of Copenhagen. So framed in Denmark.
Here's a snippet with Google translation from Google Books that might be helpful. And a photograph of the shop. Debora
An interesting piece. How big is it? I agree that it looks like a fragment saved from a larger cloth, although it might also be a "sampler" demonstrating technique. The ground fabric looks like it might be linen, and, based on the varying thickness of the threads, possibly hand spun. Also, perhaps handwoven. I can't quite tell if there is a selvage shown on the left side of photos 4 and 7, or if the fabric is folded under. The way the thin strips of silvery metal are woven is similar to the technique I have seen on Assuit embroidery from Egypt. But the gold thread appears to be metal foil wrapped around a fiber core. fabric,making little packets of metal. I have not been able to find a close comparison, but in poking around the web I found the site of Dr. Jessica Grimm, who researches medieval embroidery (particular gold work). Perhaps she might have some insight -
Thankyou for all that @Debora I can’t believe you found a photo of the shop! That’s like stepping back in time. Thankyou, it does look old. Danish is an interesting language! 9” x 6.5” not including the frame. Neither can I! The glass slightly distorts when looking through a lens but if I had to guess I’d go with it being folded over. I’ve not heard of that before. I love this forum as there is always something new and different to learn. Neither could I but I do appreciate you taking the time to look for me. Thankyou I will email her. Nothing to lose!
And, if outside her area of interest/expertise, perhaps she'll be able to direct you on. A very interesting piece. Well worth exploring. Debora
I thought so too, although I was the only one interested as it was left after the scrum at a house clearance sale! I love little mysteries like this. I have emailed her and will update if I get a response.