White Furniture Co. pieces

Discussion in 'Furniture' started by Andrew Reichard, Jun 29, 2021.

  1. Andrew Reichard

    Andrew Reichard New Member

    Optimized-IMG_2487.jpeg Optimized-IMG_2488.jpeg Optimized-IMG_2489.jpeg Optimized-IMG_2490.jpeg IMG_2491.jpeg IMG_2492.jpeg IMG_2493.jpeg IMG_2494.jpeg Hello All,

    Today I am confronting something I've been avoiding for a while. I normally never consider parting with things from collection, but I live in an apartment, just graduated from school, and need to consider selling some of my furniture.
    These two pieces are from my grandmother's bedroom set (purchased sometime during the mid-50s I believe). Unfortunately, after her passing the set was split up and pieces were lost in the void somewhere. I have the dresser and one nightstand.
    They were built by the White Fine Furniture Co. from Mebane. I couldn't find anything like them online, except for the clothes press that was part of the set.
    Does anyone have any information on this particular set/price ranges for these two pieces?
    Any information would be greatly appreciated.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2021
    Ghopper1924 likes this.
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    yer piano is worth more that the both pieces..
    u don't even have a set...so...

    50 for the night stand
    135 for the dresser

    & while I may be being optimistic.....
    where can u buy replacements....for that kind of money???

    ( &...the dreaded mirror shot !!!! ..Good u have clothes on !! :playful::playful:)
  3. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Those look like NICE pieces in GREAT condition!!!
    Ghopper1924 likes this.
  4. Ghopper1924

    Ghopper1924 Well-Known Member

    Koto's prices may seem low, but they're probably realistic, especially without the whole set. Ask for a bit more, then bargain down.
  5. Bookahtoo

    Bookahtoo Moderator Moderator

    Ghopper1924 likes this.
  6. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!


    i'm seeing the edges , top and bottom....scuffed up.....sooo...:(

    but if that's shale on the night table....maybe a bit more cash, for a stand alone piece...

    but I am unaware of this design being in high demand !

    Would that sound correct Gopher ??
    sabre123 and Ghopper1924 like this.
  7. Ghopper1924

    Ghopper1924 Well-Known Member

    Yes, KOMO. This site auto-corrects to Koto! I know I would never intentionally misspell such an august name!

    Although mid-20th is apparently still selling, this one has a few minuses. I'd still say go with Komo's prices plus a few extra, then bargain down.
    komokwa and sabre123 like this.
  8. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    My parents had a slate-top credenza with the same geometric embellishments (stacked in groups) in the door panels. It got ruined in a flood, but I salvaged the slate and the five panels. I have this crazy idea I can do something with them some day.
    komokwa and Ghopper1924 like this.
  9. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    These sare more like late 60s-70s to me so not really MCM. Nor do they have the MCM styling that is sought after. Just used furniture and, sorry to say, not a lot of value. Well built and someone should want them for their utility. Consequently, no need to feel like you are parting with something highly collectible... personal connections notwithstanding.
    mark737, Bakersgma, komokwa and 2 others like this.
  10. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I so get that.............
    better to have it and not need it ...
    than to need it and not have it !!!!!!!!!!!:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
    sabre123 likes this.
  11. sabre123

    sabre123 Well-Known Member

    so true, komo!
    komokwa likes this.
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