When were these made and what are they made of?

Discussion in 'Art' started by Gatoblanconz, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Gatoblanconz

    Gatoblanconz Well-Known Member

    Hi I have these 2 miniature oil paintings they are oil on ceramic by the feel of it the way the ceramic plate moves around and makes a sound inside the frame. Also where there is a split in the paper backing you can see the white back of the plate.
    They have the original backing on them.
    What I am uncertain of is what the frames are made of? The frames feel like they are made of plastic.Is that an early form of bakelite?
    You can see where the frame paint is chipped it is brown underneath. Refer to photo with red circle.
    Also the brown wash on the grooves of the frames seems to come off with saliva and rubbing. Is that brown wash original? By that I mean were the frames originally all cream and that is dust built up in all the little grooves or is that an original intentional kind of wash?
    And any idea on the date of these?
    The are 7.9cm square

    IMG_20231012_181936_compress90.jpg IMG_20231012_181901_compress19.jpg IMG_20231012_181907_compress70.jpg IMG_20231012_181916_compress22.jpg IMG_20231012_181926_compress26.jpg IMG_20231012_181837_compress34.jpg IMG_20231012_181844_compress16.jpg IMG_20231012_182408_compress82.jpg
  2. Rob Langdon

    Rob Langdon Well-Known Member

    They look like 19th century plaster frames, but then again they make modern frames that look the same made out of cast resin.
    Figtree3 and pearlsnblume like this.
  3. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    My idle guess is that these are 20th C, probably post war. I think they are prints or decals with painted detailing.

    Could easily be wrong.

    Look to painters like Wateau and his contemporaries for the originals.
  4. smallaxe

    smallaxe Well-Known Member

    I could be wrong, but the aging looks intentional to me. I agree with moreotherstuff on age.
    Figtree3 and Gatoblanconz like this.
  5. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Agree. Little decorative plaques with "courting couple" imagery based on Watteau. I'd think 20th century too and deliberately antiqued. The backing is a bit older than I'd expect so I'd guess 1930s/1940s when white decors with pickled furniture (à la Syrie Maugham) was all the rage in interior design.

    Figtree3, mirana and Gatoblanconz like this.
  6. Gatoblanconz

    Gatoblanconz Well-Known Member

    Yes someone on Reddit said the same thing said they are like 40s or 50s and they are printed on glass with some of the minor details painted on top of the print which actually appears to be true I did notice that it looks like they are flat except for a couple of the bushes and clouds around the edges look like they have three dimensional painting on them.
    Figtree3 and moreotherstuff like this.
  7. Gatoblanconz

    Gatoblanconz Well-Known Member

    Yeah the pink backing is what throws me of for sure to me the backing does not look post war it just seems too old and delicate.
    Figtree3 likes this.
  8. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Reminds me of 1930s chenille upholstery material.


    Gatoblanconz likes this.
  9. Gatoblanconz

    Gatoblanconz Well-Known Member

    Nice chair
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