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What Is This?

Discussion in 'Metalware' started by NWGN515, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. NWGN515

    NWGN515 New Member

    20210625_175009 (1).jpg 20210625_175021 (1).jpg 20210625_175035 (1).jpg 20210625_175043 (1).jpg Hello,

    My mother recently sent me this as she is retiring and greatly downsizing her house. She has given me a bunch of stuff, but this is one that I have zero idea what it is, specifically. I know it is some kind of coffee/espresso pot and it is fairly old, maybe 1920s? Im not sure really. There are no brand markings, simply "Made in Italy". My mother called it a demitasse coffee pot, but after googling thing I found nothing that actually looks like it.

    Figured I would take a shot in the dark and ask on here.
  2. daveydempsey

    daveydempsey Moderator Moderator

    Flip drip espresso maker, I get them all the time, most go for scrap.
  3. NWGN515

    NWGN515 New Member

    Jackpot, thank you, didnt think it was super valuable, just curious what it was.
    daveydempsey likes this.

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