Trying to figure out what this is. Both pieces have the same mark. Also was hanging out with these salt/pepper shakers, also with the same mark. Thank You!!
Probably a tea strainer. When the pot has been brewed with loose tea, you place the strainer over each cup as you pour, to make sure no leaves end up in the cup. After use, it's emptied into the "waste bowl" and then set back into the little piece next to it. Webster was a good quality US maker.
This looks like the same one, but missing the tray.
See Webster Co's information and mark examples on this page.
You can search EBay solds for both items, or maybe someone who sells can advise you as to pricing over melt value. I don’t sell, so you should wait for other replies.
Now that you know what to call it, you can try finding sold listings online. I think the one linked above is a bit aggressive in pricing.