Featured What is this uniform?

Discussion in 'Militaria' started by morgen94, Jun 9, 2020.

  1. morgen94

    morgen94 Well-Known Member

    This unidentified gentleman is a relative of my cousin's husband and she asked for help identifying the uniform. I have no idea to what branch of the military he belonged (assuming this is a military uniform). Can you help? Thank you!


  2. terry5732

    terry5732 Well-Known Member

    A better shot of the sword top would help. At this distance I'm saying Knights of Columbus.
    Fid, judy, clutteredcloset49 and 3 others like this.
  3. morgen94

    morgen94 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the speedy reply! Here is a closer photo of the sword hilt. I see an eagle there, but that is all I recognize...
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Knights of Something...!
    Christmasjoy and morgen94 like this.
  5. Barn Owl

    Barn Owl Well-Known Member

    I found a similar sword described as being from the Knights of the Golden Eagle:
  6. morgen94

    morgen94 Well-Known Member

    Wow! That is very much like it, thanks. I will research them a bit and see if we can find a name for this nameless fellow.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2020
    Barn Owl, Fid, pearlsnblume and 3 others like this.
  7. morgen94

    morgen94 Well-Known Member

    Wow again! I tried to find this thread and 10 pages later I still hadn't found it. I guess posts fall off the cliff soon after posting because this forum is so busy--and rightfully so! You all are an incredible resource.

    My excited (Pennsylvania) cousin replied to your identification help: "EAGLES!!!! POTTSTOWN! There was a large order of Eagles in Pottstown back in the day. They had a beautiful big building on High Street. Unfortunately, after they moved out, I guess membership got so low that they disbanded, the building fell into disrepair. One day a few years ago, the large eagle that perched up on the façade of the building crashed down on the sidewalk. Thankfully, nobody was underneath it at the time." She added that she is going to jump right in and research the Knights of the Golden Eagle. Thank you all so much again.
    LIbraryLady, komokwa and Barn Owl like this.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    go to your preferences ...and add......watch threads that i post to......
    when you show up again....click on watched threads.....unless you delete them from the list....you'll find what you're looking for in under 10 seconds...
    morgen94 likes this.
  9. Bev aka thelmasstuff

    Bev aka thelmasstuff Colored pencil artist extraordinaire ;)

    Fraternal Order of Eagles is not the same as Knights of the Golden Eagle which I think is a Masonic offshoot. My parents belonged to the F.O.E. Nothing to do with Masons.
    morgen94 likes this.
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