This lovely piece of EPNS silver belonged to my MIL. We have had it 50+ years but never knew what to call it. American or English or other? Thanks for looking. Patd Ok, I have the stupids! Which of those little icons do I use to add pictures. Pictures are in a file on my Win 7 computer and were created in Picasa. Help.
@patd8643, you do not have the 'stupids'!!!! We ALL get those little "brain freezes" now and again.....they drive me absolutely BATTY on occasion!!!
With just the EPNS, it's likely British. You haven't said how big the shell parts are or how tall the handle, but I would guess you could use it for lots of different things.
Am I correct that two of the "shells" are the same size and the third is a bit smaller? That smaller one may be for a sauce/dip or other seasoning (granulated sugar?). My first thought was a "bon bon"/"bon-bon" dish (think a ladies' bridge club with two tables playing and this dish with a serving spoon on a buffet/sideboard).
That's what I see, yourturn - one smaller. Does bode well for 2 sections for the main item and one for a sauce or similar.
Yes, 2 sections are larger. MIL used it for serving shrimp with sauce in the smaller. Sometimes she would serve slices of her angel food cake with her cream sauce (yummm) in the small. Just wondering if it had a name other than server? Patd
Hors d'oeuvre dish here. Think nuts, crisps and nibbles. Nice quality, probably between the wars British, but don't ask me who made it.