What did I see? NA?

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by J Dagger, Dec 4, 2024 at 2:04 PM.

  1. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    I was at a sale the other day and saw an interesting piece. It looked to me like an older 1900-1950 Native American piece of silver with probably a newer safety pin/clasp on it. I wanted to buy it but the seller thought it was much older than I did and wanted $175 for it. He had inherited a relatives collection and jewelry store stock. The relative owned a jewelry store in Manhattan from the 40’s to I’m guessing the 90’s or so. The seller was knowledgeable on some things but thought many items were older and/or more valuable than they probably really were. Anyways I was interested in this piece and wish I had taken a photo. It could have been South American or something else but my initial impulse was Native American. I’m a HORRIBLE artist but here’s a drawing of the overall form of what I saw to the best of my memory. I don’t recall the facial features, it likely wasn’t smiling :). The front was highly textured and the cross was cut out of the center of the form. The bottom may or may not have had legs like that. I mostly remember the general shape and the cut out cross. Does anyone know what I saw based on my silly drawing? It wasn’t marked in any way. DBAF318E-3E92-44A6-A34F-79F7A808F7D9.jpeg
    Boland and komokwa like this.
  2. Boland

    Boland Well-Known Member

    This should be interesting :)
    J Dagger and komokwa like this.
  3. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Space Ghost ?
    J Dagger likes this.
  4. J Dagger

    J Dagger Well-Known Member

    That’s Christian space ghost to you Mr..
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