Featured Weird plastic? Necklace

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by KSW, Apr 17, 2019.

  1. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    In my efforts to understand the materials jewellery is made of, has anyone any thoughts on this rather hideous necklace?. On first inspection I thought it was modern plastic but I wonder if it is an earlier form?. There are no mould lines on the pendant and it ‘chinks’ against glass. I was considering Bakelite but did it ever come in this colour?
    Certainly isn't going to win any design awards!
    Thankyou :)
    IMG_4526.jpg IMG_4527.jpg IMG_4528.jpg IMG_4529.jpg IMG_4530.jpg
  2. Pat P

    Pat P Well-Known Member

    I don't know the origin, but it somehow reminds me of kids' toys from the '50s?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2019
  3. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member

    Celluloid is my guess... Nice! Love it!
  4. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    I have seen other jewellery with the chain made of a plastic material described as Celluloid. I also sometimes see pieces said to employ both Celluloid & Bakelite elements. The truth here...? Celluloid is quite light for size.
  5. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    No, but might sell quite well to collectors. :)
  6. scoutshouse

    scoutshouse Well-Known Member


    I like it, @KSW
    Great color!
  7. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    Could it be a curtain tie back?
  8. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Think not strong enough if curtain had any weight, & liable to decay with exposure to sunlight.
    kyratango, scoutshouse and KSW like this.
  9. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    And I was about to toss it in the junk pile!Let's hope so as it's not winning with me!
    kyratango, Bronwen and scoutshouse like this.
  10. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    Now you say that, it reminds me of some of those celluloid dolls so I think maybe you are spot on.
    Bronwen and scoutshouse like this.
  11. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    I can see where you are coming from but agree with Bronwen I don't think it's strong enough.
    kyratango, scoutshouse and Bronwen like this.
  12. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    The chain is very light,almost can't feel it on your hand. The pendant is solid 'whateveritis' and heavier.
    kyratango, scoutshouse and Bronwen like this.
  13. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Celluloid & Bakelite, or other similar plastics with different brand names.
    KSW, kyratango and scoutshouse like this.
  14. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    That molded celluloid or "early plastic" stuff can sell handily. I've seen similar pieces go for way more than you'd expect. Lucked into one myself that the dealer didn't think much of. Sold for $50 more than I paid for it.(LOL)
    Any Jewelry, Bronwen, KSW and 2 others like this.
  15. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

    I have a little jingle jangle bracelet that I adore (but rarely wear because it is nigh on impossible to put on without assistance) that has two plastics. The clear links, which I do believe are celluloid and a harder plastic along with (the dark green). The balls are brass.

    All of this to say, I agree with celluloid for the links and other plastic for the dangle. :smuggrin:

  16. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    Wow!.Well as the whole box of jewellery only cost me £1.99 + postage it doesn't owe me much!. It also had some really lovely glass bead necklaces and some sadly worn but interesting lucite ones made in Austria so I'm happy. I am going to have to google how to restring necklaces though as some gorgeous beads have been so badly done and some are damaged and need doing to take out the broken ones. I'd post photos but I don't want to spam the forum and bug everyone too much as you are all so generous with your time and expertise.
  17. silverthwait

    silverthwait Well-Known Member

    Jivvy - I am figuratively keeping my mouth shut!
    kyratango, Bronwen and scoutshouse like this.
  18. KSW

    KSW Well-Known Member

    :hilarious::hilarious:.....I thought it was just me......
  19. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

    lol, I don't know what I have done.

    wait, was it the use of the word "dangle?" brass balls?

    Do I have reason to blush? :bag:
    kyratango, Bronwen and scoutshouse like this.
  20. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    Too bad I'm in the wrong country; I restring stuff all the time. It's not hard, even knotting. Pain in the neck maybe, but not difficult.
    kyratango and Bronwen like this.
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