Wasn't some one looking for a large pot cover?????

Discussion in 'Give Aways' started by Mansons2005, Jul 15, 2017.

  1. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    My memory is probably waaaay off, but I thought someone mentioned they were searching for a large pot cover......................

    No where near as impressive as other's Give Aways, at least this pot cover is practical................ It came off of an eight quart cast iron pot (which believe it or not some movers SHATTERED). I owned the pot for over 50 years, but do not remember if the lid was original.

    Made of glass, the pot lid is 11-5/8" in diameter from outside of the flange to the outside of the flange, with an approx 1/4" overhang (minimum pot diameter is 11-5/8"). It is embossed "Mexico" in very small lettering on the edge. There is a very tiny (feel it, can't see it) bubble pop on one edge, at the leading end of a light rust stain. It weighs 3 lb.

    Shipping will require a parcel approx 18x18x6, maybe 5 lb. from zip code 60622.

    you want it, you got for the cost of shipping.............paypal, chickens, cash and first born accepted..................first born puppies that is....................
  2. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    I KNEW someone was looking for this! Its on its way to a new pot as I type.................thanks!
    Figtree3 and komokwa like this.
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